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Finian's POV

A natural ability that has never been taught, she lacks all the ways of motion. She's just brute strength with a few good moves that these wolves will figure out soon enough.

Trial and error they will start to guard their sides more effectively from her.

Watching the way Victoria is training, her opponents can't match her strength, so they are overrun with it.

"Victoria, don't go for the ribs go for the neck." She's refusing to listen to me while I try to teach her the things no one bothered to tell her growing up.

"He's got a point; you're just hitting to hit. You're just overpowering them. You have no skill, just brute force. It's alright fighting these wolves you'll win every time. It's when you meet an Alpha is where you will have problems. You might be stronger, but they have the skill level to beat you." Grey's voice is the confirmation of what mine has been trying to tell her. She just doesn't want to listen or believes anything I say.

Trust gone

"Victoria, when you punched me you could have broken my jaw if you only placed your fist here." Tapping the side of my cheek in the exact spot where the bone will break if hit correctly.

"Instead you broke my tooth." A shift of regret crosses her eyes.

"I could help you if you want?" Words slowly slip out of my mouth this is the longest conversation held between the two of us since the four of us had our talk. She always has someone around her acting as a buffer between her and me.

Quiet contemplation in morning glory blues before she sighs. "Alright, I'm listening." Her body is standing rigid as I approach her slowly, cautiously.

"Your balance is wrong, you don't follow through on your punches, you have no knowledge base on where to hit other than ribs to cause the most damage. You use the same moves constantly; rib shots is what you love to start and end with. You have power just no skill to complement it." She's listening not saying a word except her eyes find Grey's for confirmation I'm telling the truth.

"He's right Victoria." Grey on crutches coming closer to us. It hasn't gone well when he gets this close to me. Tensing muscles alert me it's going to come soon, a quick strike with the end of his crutch towards my face has me angling away just so the rubber end narrowly misses my nose.

"Sorry brother." A quick apology, did Grey say that for trying to hit me or because he missed? He prefers to call me brother than my name just like I used to do with him all those years ago.

The nature of hierarchy is compelling me to inflict a swift punishment. Instead, I hold that instinct back for my brother, only him, but it won't continue for much longer.

I won't take his punches for much longer; it's just not in my nature no matter how wrong I have been.

Charlie's mouth is moving letting shades of sound out as if to put her two cents in the conversation. She's a drooling mess, gnawing on her toy that's between her hands. Rocking contently in a baby swing. Wherever

Victoria is Charlie is right beside her unless it's my time with our daughter, even then Victoria anxious about the separation.

Stepping deliberately into Victoria's space, the proximity of her body leaving my body yearnful.

A rib touch, letting my finger trail the outline of them. "I don't want you ever to hit someone there again; you need to learn other area's." That contact beats my heart sporadically, while her bitter body tenses away from it.

The skin on skin contact is nourishing to the bond that's been starving for the simplicity of it.

The slightest graze of knuckle is tracing along the length of her neck, angling her head to the side. "You have a vagus nerve that runs along both sides of your neck if stimulated can stop a heartbeat just long enough to get that edge you need over a wolf." The warm beating pulse in her artery speeding up slightly,

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