Pack Before Feelings

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Finian's POV

Eye contact with Victoria is very dangerous for me. She brings out such foreign feeling within myself.




It's disturbing to have her judging me, my brutal truths rake against my throat.

A chaos of regret

Victoria's having a hard time breathing with what my words have said. Her hand going to her heart, does she realize she's gripping the material of her shirt so hard she's tearing the fabric of it.

Her eyes hold a certain hopelessness to them, void of any other emotion.

I'm her soul killer, taking away a piece here, and there. I am not anything that she has ever hoped for, dreamed of.

Somehow she's twisting my own soul up, exposing the dirtiness of who I never thought I was.

Turning my back on her, it's easier to walk away then stay. Having to stay, to be judged by that little girl with big eyes just asking what's so wrong with me, why is it so hard to love me. I'll be better I promise, her whisper hitting me hard.

Putting a shirt on before going down the stairs has me facing Grey with duffle bags in his hands.

"Were you going to leave without saying goodby, Grey?"

"Never." His look says, yes he was.

"Here, I'll help carry some out." Taking a bag, putting it on my own shoulder.

"You smell like Victoria?" Leaning in, sniffing. He has the faintest goosebumps prickle this arms.

"It means nothing." A low rumble of faint sound makes it's way out of my chest, while Grey looks me over, eyes falling to my neck before walking towards his truck.

Victoria rushing out has a look on her face that her only friend in the word is leaving her.

It's as if the demon himself is pulling back a curtain of a memory, exposing it center stage.

Charlie holding hands with a juvenile she-wolf, nuzzling her neck, biting her jawline. They're laughing together, while hands are entwined. He no longer wears dirty clothes, his hair is always brushed, he's gained so much muscle she hardly recognizes her best friend anymore.

Having a good family does that to you, it improves who you are.

She's feeling like a gawker in the shadows watching new love bloom. A green streak of jealousy turns her stomach because she wants what Charlie has. She wants to be held like this, kissed like that, she wants to have someone look at her the way Charlie's looking at his mate.

She wants someone to pull her up and out of what her life is offering her, like the way his mate did to him.

The she-wolf growls towards Victoria once she approaches them, she's trying so hard to not be herself, to be gentle, nice, even friendly towards this female who is bristling towards Victoria, while sitting on Charlie's lap.

The way the female is looking at her is making Victoria feel as if she is the ugliest thing in the world. Her hand going over her hair trying to smooth it down, going over her clothes as if she is able to take all the wrinkles out. She's not dressed nice like this she-wolf, her insecurities pounding into her. Never did she care how she wore her clothes or how her hair is combed until day after day she is viciously teased by the female wolves. Especially by this female on his lap, her main taunter.

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