Malicious Intent

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Finian POV

Back at the Western Pack, for a few weeks, the call comes late in the afternoon, while I'm overseeing the training of the newly shifted wolves. They're unpredictable this soon after shifting, a danger to themselves and others if not handled properly.


"Fin, are you sitting down," Grey asks over the phone with a hint of nervousness.

"No, why?"

"Sit down for a minute, take a deep breath in."

"Stop it, Grey, just tell me."

"I have some news for you."

"Please tell me the wicked wolf of the East died today." Grey's silence drags on in a boring few minutes before I make a yawning noise telling him of my boredom.

"No, not the news you want something different. Something you would never have expected."

"Stephanie's pregnant."

"Who?" Starting to laugh at what he's saying.

"Grey, I'm not sure what you're smoking over there but I did not put myself inside any of the North Packs females for a very long time maybe a year. Besides, I don't do that when they're in their heat. Wrong wolf Grey, she's lying." Still laughing.

"Fin, I believe her."

"That's where you and I are different, you shouldn't trust females they are all liars. How come you can't understand this simple thing I keep trying to tell you. All of them lie."

"Not Meela." Grey comes back at me hard. "Meela doesn't lie and neither does a lot of females Fin. You're just-"

"What am I, Grey?" Blowing out the air in my lungs, my day was going so good.

"Listen to me Finian." Irritation starts to build up inside me with the use of my name. I hate when he uses my full name. It's as if he is better than me, throwing it around as if it holds no power.

"So when Victoria comes for her should I let her have the female that has your pup inside her?" It's hard to control the rage growing, spreading inside me.

"Why is Victoria coming there?"

"She won't let the pup live." That vile female, she has no right to interfere with my life. She lives her life, I live mine.

"I'm coming Grey."

"You better bring your warriors Fin, she's upset. I have never heard her cry like that before.

"She cried?" Good let her be upset, I've cried over her too. It's her turn.

"What do you think Fin, she wants nothing more than to be with you. All she wants is to make things right with you but you won't let things go."

"How do you want me to let things go when all I picture is her down on her knees pleasing you. How do you think I can even think of kissing her mouth? Don't you think it's important to be able to at least kiss your mate? Touch your mate? I can't do any of those things with her. I can't even look at her without wanting to throw up with how disgusting she is." I can feel the claws coming out of my nail beds, agonizingly slow.

"If she even thinks that she can take what's mine from me, I will-"

"Don't kill her Finian, she's your mate and you would never forgive yourself. Don't Finian." Grey's voice sounding strong, trying to teach from mistakes of the past.

"I'm on my way Grey, I won't kill her if she attacks me. But I will teach her a lesson, a hard lesson. I will make her appear so weak in front of her pack that she will forever be shamed in their eyes." Hanging up on him, it's time for a real fight from my warriors.

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