Thou Shall Not

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Finian POV


Victoria standing there while everyone but Grey and I are on bended knee, necks turned up in acceptance of their queen. All my warriors are submitting to her, to the idea of her. She has her shoulders back, head high, dripping in blood. The corner of her lips starts to turn up in a very rare smile.

I think this is the first real one I see, it's sickening.

It's hard to stomach what just happened, what she just did. Have the entire Western warriors on their knees accepting her rule. Again I feel my teeth grinding together with how the demon is laughing at me, taking in the scene with me.

Victoria's eyes falling on me, she wants me to see her accomplishment to relish in it with her. The way she's holding herself, it's as if she is Queen of the world. Starting at her feet to the top of her head she is a magnificent beast I will give her that but they say the inside is what matters more than the outside.

Her inside is pure ugliness.

Happiness isn't the key to life for Victoria, accomplishments are because you can never take your accomplishments away, so she thought. I've changed her thought pattern now, the corner of her mouth starts to slowly turn down, her rush of accomplishment gone with how I am looking at her.


This is the way she see's her path through to acceptance, by her teeth, if they don't bend, she will make them bend to who she is.

A memory comes, her giving herself pep talks, that things will get better, look at her now. She would point to herself in the mirror, trying to have herself believe this lie. A little wobble because she's been drinking too much lately. She's accomplished her goals, became an Alpha everyone bows to her now. Except she still remains empty, that craving still there for more, for something more.

She's always hungry for more, all these accomplishments are good, satisfying in a short term way but that emptiness comes back eventually, it always comes back as a sickening hunger.

What she craves deep in her soul is me, only me, for me to accept her, to love her, to hold her. I see that little pup again bruised, starved, looking at me with eyes that hold me in my spot asking me why can't you love me, why can't you hold me. Am I so wrong, am I so unlovable that you can't just try, please try to love me?

My demon laughs

Her war once again surfaces, because that's what she knows, this is who she has become. Gripping her exactly like her father did, pulling her towards me slightly. I hate that she smells so good, I hate the feeling her bodies closeness gives me. Squeezing her harder, because I can't stand myself for wanting to hurt her so badly, I feel this overwhelming need to protect.

Ebb and flow of idea's, hurt consuming me, protection driving me.

The demon laughs harder.

"You think I condone this Victoria, that I allow our males to take what isn't theirs."

"They learn from example Alpha Fin, what example are you showing them." Her eyes look at my hand while looking down my nails have punctured the tender flesh of her bicep exactly like her father, blood, her blood dripping down in the grass. My claws are sharp, the pain must be intense but she just holds herself against it, numb to it.

The wolf inside her pacing, snarling, I'm rattling her cage with a stick. Riling up the beast, one thought coming from that wolf who hates.

I'm worthless, she thinks that I'm a worthless male.

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