Always Wanting More

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Finian's POV

Internal confliction

The way Victoria is looking at me flushed with a scarlet blush, eyes of the sea hold just the faintest of hope in them.

The little pup looking out as well, hoping against all hope, just this one time and she will never ask the Moon for anything again, she promises in her little puppy heart.

I'm not her hope, but...

Again she sneaks a peek at me, the corner of her eyes taking me in. I keep looking ahead at the pack, at everyone sitting here. They need for me to become what I was born to be, the wolf in me needs her by his side.

What do I need?

The demons whispering you have everything you need beside you.

When I turn a mirage appears, the little pup with rotten teeth staring in my eyes, smelling of old urine, the flesh on her body is a mosaic of bruises. Hope is still in those eyes, but it's fading slightly.

Victoria sitting on my right, wearing that awkward smile now, not showing teeth, staring at the wolves who are looking at us side by side. Her shoulders are back, head held high, she's trying to imitate me with the way I'm looking out at the pack.

She's trying to fit in, except she just doesn't have the skills. It's hard to see this, she lacks the most basic skills of socialization.

I can also see how groups of wolves affect her, she keeps looking towards the exit, back to the wall, she's trying very hard to suppress her instincts to flee the confinement, the suffocating feeling of many wolves around her.

Memories pooling around.

Her wolf viciously attacking, not stopping until heavy boots start to kick it in the ribs to get off the other wolf. Her father's screams, Victoria's wolf looking him in the eyes, backing away but her eyes never leaving his. A look passing between them, death awaits one, it's coming.

Father and daughter understand this.

She starts to stalk her father in the shadows, learning his routines, his habits, studying the way her ultimate prey moves, paying attention to the details. No longer does he walk outside alone, always surrounded by his most trusted fighters.

He has the numbers.

She waits, the wolf is patient by now, cunning. Bidding her time for the perfect opportunity to get him alone on fair ground.

Her ascension is coming it's just a matter of time.

The wolf's hunger growing day by day, she's wanting to consume all of what her father has. She daydreams of the day she will rise up, taking what is her birthright.

Nothing has ever been given to Victoria ever, she has earned or taken what is rightfully hers. The beast inside her won't have it any other way.

Victoria finishing her meal before I have finished mine. She's learned to eat quickly because you never know when your next meal will be.

The look of distress growing on her face, I can see her hands holding the side of the chair, thumbs underneath her thighs. She's trying to focus her breathing while looking around, it's disturbing to see her so uncomfortable within herself.

Taking her hand in mine, the blush on her cheek spreads. The morning glory blue of her eyes becoming brighter when she looks at our hands entwined, then back at me. Upturn corner of her lips trying to smile, before it goes into the straight line she wears as her mask of comfort.

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