The Den (Part One)

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Finian's POV

Wisps of vapored hormones reaching out like tendril fingers that wrap around my body in a grip so tight that it's hard to think of anything else but what's standing in front of me.

She's an all too consuming sight. The sensation of being so close to her sends off electrical hums of soft energy that is pulsing with its own life. I can't tear my eyes from the sight of her, full chest rising and falling with each inhaled breath, her heart's echoing beat is my personal melody that I could listen to and never tire of.




Long legs, glamorous thighs that apex to a point where I desire to be.

Ravenous hunger starts to spread

Turning herself away from my appraising stare, she rummages through her draw. "How did you know that she wasn't going to tear your throat out?"

Sitting on the bed, I can't stop watching the visual of her. 

"I didn't know; I took a chance." She turns to me appalled.

"Are you kidding me." Pulling up the cheeky pantie's that barely covers that full bottom.  Once again turning herself away from me she puts on a bra that was made to assault my eyes.

"When did you know that you were going to do that?" She doesn't hide her wandering eyes, so I spread my thighs slight more for her.

"I knew for a while, I just needed more time, I just wanted more time before your heat came. I thought maybe we would be in a better place before I did that." Since being in her memories, I knew her wolf would never concede to my skin side, and I don't think I could actually take the wolf on myself and live.

Her scent is almost like a second layer of skin, so thick, enticing that I can almost taste her flesh.

"Victoria you look amazing." Giving me a scowl, crossing her arms over her chest, "Fin, I'm standing in front of you in my underwear, of course, you're going to think that. I'm your mate."

"Even if you weren't my mate I'd think that, come here." Instead of listening to what I say, she pulls a shirt over her head, hiding more of herself from me.

Morning Glory Blue, soft and sweet stare at me, it's always her eyes that have been my real ending. They have power over me that I never knew she possessed until this very moment.

My Queen

"Why now Fin? Why do this now? Pulling up her pants so she's now completely covered.

"Your wolf is much more receptive at the moment. I figured with her hormones going crazy and the fact that I'm her mate, that I bowed to her." Finding those eyes I hold her to me with my own hardened stare. "Only her Victoria, that she wouldn't hurt me. I took a chance, and it worked out." Walking towards me, those hips sauntering back and forth with a gypsie's ease.

Sitting down beside me, she puts a pillow over the top my lap that brings a slight smile to my face.

"I thought you said that you wouldn't be going back and forth with me." A questioning voice that I can hardly focus on, while my fingers play with her hair. The compulsion to touch is too much to fight, starting with the base of her neck, electrical contact that starts a chain reaction inside.

Just a touch won't be enough. Fingers now on the curve of her shoulder.

Carnal chaos.

"I lied, back and forth, that's what we do. So if I have to go back and forth with you for the rest of our lives so be it."

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