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 Victoria's POV

It's as if I'm blinded by emerald green, jealousy, hurt, betrayal a great affliction consumes me. I have a bitter taste in my mouth. No one to blame but myself, trusting in something too good to be true.

"Victoria." His voice creates an inner symphony in my troubled mind.

"This is not how I envisioned our first day to go in our new home." He stands there against the open door frame, looking at me. He makes my knees dance, his scent starting to fill the room that naturally calms and relaxes, on a primitive level.

I feel my face red with heat and hurt, I'm at least able to take big breaths again, the tears have stopped so I'm not embarrassing myself in front of him.

"Would you choose her over me, over our pup?" Direct, to the point, hit him head on.

"Where is this coming from?" Arms across his chest now. Eyes boring into mine.

"I see the way you regard her, I see with my eyes." He laughs sadly at my words.

"What did you see Victoria, me touching her belly, if you would have stayed longer if my...mother wouldn't have snatched you away from me. You would have seen me touch Sophie, telling her how great her boys will be. But you didn't stay and see all this; you just left with your judgment of me. I had to entertain my brothers' pregnant females by myself." Annoyance is on his face almost like he has a sore tooth that his tongue is rubbing against.

"You fed her!" Jealousy, spreading inside me like a cancer that won't stop growing.

"You're mad because I fed her? Grey and Thomas weren't around; they were both hungry. Sophie already ate from my hand; you just didn't see it because you came down later on. Meela and I were just talking, you walked in, and you were the one that made things uncomfortable. I was feeding her because my brother wasn't there. I will always feed my brothers females if they aren't around to care for them. Remember that Victoria, I will always care for them if my brothers can't. I would expect the same, if I weren't able to feed you, I'd expect one of them to step in for me" I keep quiet, my emotions swinging on a crooked pendulum.

"I admit to you that when our hands touched, it was a shock. I feel things for her, but it's very gentle not like what I feel towards you. Why are you mad? Because I feel the same pull towards her that you feel for Grey. You're allowed to feel things for Grey, but I can't feel anything towards Meela. I have never acted on that pull I feel towards her, I've never had her underneath me the way you had Grey on top of you." His words are flung across the room hitting me in the face.

"I can't help feeling a connection for her Victoria. It's so screwed up, just like you can't stop that small connection you have with Grey. It will always be there." He takes a step inside, infiltrating the room with his presence.

"I can't explain what I feel for her, just like you can't explain what you feel for Grey." Another step is taken towards me, with a confident purpose.

"Did I do all this for Meela? Did I? No, I didn't! I did all this for us, for her." He comes and stands in front of me, holding my belly as she squirms and kicks. Jumping inside with the feel of his hands. I place my hands on top of his.

"I did all this for her, for what she's going to be. Those boys will be her biggest supporters. I know what you've been trying to do with the younger generation. I can see how your mind's working. Why aren't you considering the fact that these future males will be her greatest allies? She will be above them; she will be above us. I can feel it every time I feel her, I can feel the power. She will be more than I could have ever dreamed of being." He kneels down between my legs, still with his hands on my protruding stomach.

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