Proper Introduction

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Victoria's POV

It feels surreal seeing Fin standing in front of me with Grey in the background.

My future uncertain while my past has moved forward with a life of its own....

I let Grey go the minute his brother's eyes hit mine that day....I could never look at Grey that way ever again...he's not mine.

"Victoria, you're smiling what's the occasion?" Fins questioning voice begs for an answer. Looking towards Grey and Thomas again a giant grin radiates off my face and I think I scare their females a little, trying not to show too many teeth this time. There is a need inside for them to be comfortable with me now that I know they have more than themselves to care for... Taking another sip of my red, savoring how it can make my mind numb, inactive with any thought if I can get enough down....Tonight it's needed...just for a small amount of time I just want to sway on the sea of oblivion.

Looking towards the brothers it's their secret to tell not mine. Watching Thomas stand he meets his brother's eye for a second showing him how important his statement will be to him. "We're" he pulls Sophie up to stand beside him "expecting." Thomas is so proud, you can see it in his stance, the way his chest is puffed out, the pride in this shoulders that are held up and straight.

Fin grips them both in a hug of happiness., picking them up and twirling them around kissing both their cheeks. He pats Thomas hard on the back, while he's gentle with Sophie, giving her arm a gentle squeeze...

"This is good news, very good news." Fins walks over to the bar pouring a round of shots. Taking the three shot glasses of amber gold he passes them out to his bother saving one for himself.

"Cheers Thomas and Sophie." He holds it up, all brothers banging the glass to each other, tipping it down their throats.

Watching Grey take Meela's hand he stands her up, placing a very small kiss on her lips, "we need another shot brother." Fin tilts his head trying to understand.

"We're also having a pup." Fin looks between the two of them before a smile spreads across his face. He grabs Grey into a hug, a big beautiful brotherly hug....he's whispering something in his ear that I can't make out but Grey is struggling not to show what his heart is feeling....Lips quivering, eyes close tightly so nothing is leaked out. They stay that way, both of them for a moment longer before separating.

Fin turns to Meela who's standing there open mouth at what she just witnessed.

"Meela, congratulations." He bows slightly to her, not touching her but showing her a certain respect that he feels she must deserve. More shots are poured, and this time I'm given one by Fin.....Standing on wobbly legs, the wine starting to make it's presence known. Raising my glass to them I let the fire water burn a glorious path down my throat. Fin throws his head back howling his happiness in the air, the brothers follow his lead and I just can't help the way my voice raises to join them in their celebration of this new life.

Standing next to me Fin's presence is a natural chemical reaction affecting my basic makeup...I can almost taste his skin...that male hormone leaching out his pores has my female wants hungry just for a taste, a little nibble....

"Mom just woke up, lets go tell her." Fin is the first to leave, the other two brothers tagging behind towing their females behind them. I don't follow; it's a family affair....a private matter that I shouldn't be witnessing....Taking another swallow of my wine, needing to fill up the glass again....I drink it down sitting back in the chair as I recline it back again...I will make my own apologies to her in private without any eyes or ears to witness me groveling for forgiveness. It's easier to wipe away everything with each swallow, memories fade, the future gets blurry...the whispers stop screaming inside your mind...instincts loosen their grip on your body's heavy with it's drunken state, not willing to work.

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