To The Queen

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Finian's POV

Hold still, don't move, keep your head down, curl in a little ball, protect the head. Her instincts kicking is once his hands wrap around her, once his black boots connect against her already bruised flesh.


She had this little pup fantasy that her mate would come and rescue her, would sweep her up, take her away from all this, her only hope at this young age. She would listen on the outskirts to all the mothers telling their daughters once you find your mate they will love you forever, they will take you away to live happily ever after. So she held onto this idea, this hope that things will get better.

In her young mind, mate equaled hope. A hope for something better, it sustained her, fed her throughout the years. When her stomach was at it's smallest her hope would always be at it's highest.

Blue eyes looking into Grey's, smiling down at him while his head is in her lap. Her fingers playing in his hair, they're laughing together. Their other hand entwined together, he's holding her hand, bringing it to his lips, kissing her wrist.

Hope, she's feeling real hope in this moment, that edge of hunger is completely gone.

Grey equals her hope, her fullness. He fulfills her basic of needs.


Heart racing


Teeth have extended in my sleep, cutting through gums. Waking with a roar, my own fingers are gripping the bed sheets. It's completely dark, nothing is awake except me.

I thought that once she shut her mind off to me I wouldn't be affected by her, yet her memories remain inside at the surface. I can't bury them deep like the way Victoria can. She's had years to layer dirt on top of the dirt to bury those scars away. The only saving grace is I'm not feeling what she's feeling now, that part is darkness, that's a light switch that's been turned off. I'm not sure what's worse to be left with her memories or to be kept in the dark.

The demon laughs.

Getting up because she's ruined my sleep. Walking past her shut door, pausing, listening for her soft breathing of sleep. I think maybe I should kick her bed hard to jolt her awake, I want to do it yet I walk away from the door leaving her to rest in peace.

Early morning quiet, where it's still dark but the sun is just starting to wink open. Not even a puff of a breeze is in the air, calm.

Stripping my shorts off, tossing them on the ground, letting fur replace skin. The beast gets to run as I sit back in its mind. Let him guide me, let him run with nature. He takes off full tilt, nose straight, tail streamlined with its body, I love feeling his power, the muscles flexing shifting with exertion. He runs until the sky has the warm rays of the day starting to heat up the air. The world is starting to be cloaked in light.

He's run us to a freshly dug grave, her friend and brother's grave.

Charlie, that wolf could hold a place easily at my table. His name holds honor.

A memory surfaces strong, building in force.

It's Victoria and Charlie back to back being circled by juveniles. A large group that can do great damage because they have the numbers. Yet Charlie has Victoria's back, and a curious thing happens a female and male step away from the horde to stand with Victoria, now four stands against the entire juvenile population of the pack.

Those three omega's standing with a Queen.

She holds herself strong and proud, looking around for the strongest juvenile, the meanest one of the pack. Eyes locking on him, she smiles showing a set of canines that kill now. They might have the numbers but she will take this one down, send him to the moon in front of everyone to see, no matter how much pain it will cause by doing so.

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