Can't Win Everything

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Finian's POV

Great power, great responsibility.

You can't have one without the other.

All eyes of wolves fully concentrated on me, the power expanding inside as if I'm being born again, evolving into something much more than my skin side thought. The fur side knew he was always a King, just waiting for the other side to catch up with him and his beliefs.

This is power's seduction on the most primal level, even the demon's stomach is sticking out bloated on the energy of the pack.

Taking a step into the herd Victoria's hand lets mine go before I can try to take her hand again I'm surrounded by the sea of wolves. Their bodies clustering around me, touching, smelling, taking what I am in, while I feed off the pulsing current of power

Gluttony on both sides.

It's a give and take, I give the protection, the security they hunger for, I get the authority, the power of the masses.

It's easy to sway within the crowd this way and that, meeting this one and that one, all important for the order of things. No one is not without a place, my father always trying to ingrain this into my system, everyone is needed.

Looking at Victoria she's the poster child for aggression, lips curled slightly, hands at her side, she's even balancing on her feet as if ready for battle. Her eyes trying to touch as many wolves eyes as possible looking for any outward challenge. Suspicious and hostile towards anything that is not familiar to her.




The wolves all know who she is, making sure she's given a wide berth. You can tell how they are skittish around her, tucking tails, eyes to the ground when having to go anywhere within striking distance.

A memory unfurrowing

Victoria always on the outskirts never mingling, never socializing but watching wishing she could be part of the group. To feel that she is wanted within the pack. She understands deep down that she's not wanted, never has been, never will be. She feels constantly starved, constantly hungry for something more. Even at the top of the food chain, the Alpha of her pack, she still remains at the bottom of social gatherings. She would never mingle or interact with them, knowing if she did they would just make excuses to leave the party early.

A party ending before it even had a chance to begin.

Usually, she would watch for just a short time before finding those bottles of red, drinking them down one after another until a comfortable numbness of her body spread to her mind. Charlie by her side always getting just as wasted as her. Meela on the other side of Victoria draining her own bottle of whiskey, eyes looking at nothing, none really speaking all lost in their own world of suffering.

A wisp of greying cloud passes overhead shadowing Victoria's face for the briefest of moments before the sun once again brightens her features.

She might always be cast in a form of darkness that will never lighten.

The current of sight is humming electrical voltage on my body that's hard to ignore. Her eyes transfixed as if maybe I am her salvation, the way she looked at Grey all those years ago, she's starting to look at me in the same way. A belief that I'm going to be something good in her rotten life.

"Can you be what she needs?" The demon voice starting up, drowning out the other voices of the wolves around me. "Can she be what I need?" My question to the demon who ignores my doubts

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