Break My Pride

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Finian's POV

Chills dancing across her flesh, her nightmares are starting. They suffocate her breath, except this time it's my face see's seeing.

I have replaced her father, brand new memories pushing out the old ones.

Like a freight train screaming down the track, I hear her heart beat racing, pounding in her chest. Waking up she cries in her sleep, she screams, it's a cycle that just keeps repeating itself over and over again. She does not rest, her mind is in a constant state of shock.

Fight or flight.

Finally, before sunrise she falls into a dreamless sleep, I should be thankful for this, but now I can't sleep. Getting out of this small bed that's hardly big enough to contain my body, my feet touching the end of it.

I'm annoyed at the fact she's sleeping now, stifling a growl before going into her room. Quietly, stalking towards her bed, the way her father did. Even in her sleep as a pup, she would have to be on guard for his early morning hands. His favorite was sinking just the tips of his claws into her back to pick her up. It didn't do great damage, but it inflicted the kind of pain she would have to put up with all day long as the wounds would rub against her shirt, always irritating her flesh.

She always wore something that had her blood spilled on it.

Stalking carefully towards her sleeping form, too exhausted to hear me. She went to bed hungry last night, the familiar pain of childhood returning to her.

I want to smile with satisfaction but I can't.

Black hair spilled out around her shoulders, covering her face. Hands clenching the sheets as if trying to hold onto something, anything. Her room smells clean and fresh, no other scent in here to pollute this space.

For some reason, my lungs want to take deeper breaths.

Letting the tips of my claws poke out of nail beds, wanting to puncture her flesh just like her father. The closer I get the more her scars of life reveal to me. A road map of hard battles fought, of the whips charms that distort her back in devastating evidence of the education of hate.

Looking at her, I picture that small little pup laying there content at this moment, for some reason I can't sink my claws into that child. She stirs awake with my hand now hovering over bare flesh.

Pleasure seduces my body with being so close to this female. My wolf content to be close to her, he just want's his female., nothing more, nothing less.

The soul of me bleeds for my wolf, what Victoria has put him through.

Her nose presses into her pillow, a shift of hip underneath covers that are blocking my true view of her.

"Who did that to you?" I can't help but fingertip touch her, the least possible contact. Her skin has a warm current that pulses into my own body.

"When I was young, my father schooled me in the art of obedience. He kept trying to break my pride over and over again." I succeeded where her father failed, I don't feel accomplished in this the way I should.

"Why are you in my room?" She's upset I disturbed her private place.

"I came here to apologize for your brother." With the mention of his name her chest grips her in a vice, as if she's sleeping again, dreaming again, waking again. The cycle over and over plows into her, she can't break the cycle of pain.

Fighting a battle to not cry in front of me, she shuts those morning glory blues of grief tight.

"You should have told me, Victoria." I regret taking her brother's life, that was a wrong decision. Rolling out her of her covers she is completely bare for my eyes. Even if I wanted too, I can't pull them away from her. She is the most alluring female I have ever seen.

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