Decay Rebuilds

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Victoria POV

Death and decay lay behind him, in front....pushing brutally through the rot will be his new reign. Collapsing of the old with the rebuild of the new.

Taking my hand in his, he ushers me away from his storms destruction.

I try to take my hand away from his; I don't need his hand. He doesn't let it go, instead, his grip increases, it's a firm pressure without hurt, just showing me that he is in charge of where we're going.

"Fin let go of my hand." Trying to take it away, but I can't break his hold.

"If I don't lead you, then how will you ever follow me, Victoria?" He keeps his pace wolf stirs uncomfortably inside me. A low rumble from deep within lets him know that she isn't happy with his expectation of me. I limp behind him almost tripping, realizing this he slows his pace down for me.

Entering the kitchen Fin walks us past the females at our table, they divert their eyes from his flesh while I let mine roll over him, admiring the way his lean back muscles bunch and flex with his fluid movement.

Watching him slip his shirt on, still unable to look away. I don't care; I make no excuse for it, skin or fur he's a magnificent beast that draws my eyes.

"I have a question for you Victoria." The way he says it has my attention swinging to his face while he pulls up his pants.

Your wolf...she doesn't like me does she?" There's a sadness in the way he says that sentence.

"No, she doesn't think you're worthy of us." Why lie, to sooth his skin side, the wolf in him knows this, can sense this.

"Does she like Grey?" He won't look at me when he says this. The first of many questions I feel he want's to ask.

His insecurities getting the best of him, this hardened male showing me his great

"She tolerated him only; he was not the male she wanted." Truth, only the truth can be had, but it will hurt him.

"Do you think maybe one day she can tolerate me?" My gut clenches for him.

"No, she has come to hate you. The only thing she wants is your throat." I give him her truth.

"What does she think of my wolf?" His back straightens shoulders pulled back as if to take the blow easier if his body is prepared.

"She thinks that your wolf is worthy of her. She thinks, and we're are both in agreement that he is much more than us....he's a King that we quickly can bow down to." The confession he wasn't expecting to hear has his body relaxing slightly from all his oppressive thoughts.

His mouth moves, without the ability to form words out. "Say it Fin."

"Do you still love Grey?"

"Yes I do, but not in the way you think...I love him as a friend, nothing more." I try to look at him in the eyes, but he won't meet mine.

I want to dismiss his fears, calm his anxiety's instead I take a seat on the bed wincing slightly with pain.

"Did you love him as much as he loved you." Now his eyes meet mine; he really wants to watch his own self-destruction.

"Yes, I think I loved him more, he was my savior. He never wanted to change who I was, never wanted to make me into something that I wasn't. He just accepted me." This is hard for his ears. The way he flinches as if the words hurt him.

"Your wolf..." I stop him before he can even ask the question.

"My wolf and Grey have never met, she only tolerated his presence...she only tolerates people Fin, and she dominates all fur....except you and your mother...she can't dominate your wolf, and she has decided that your mother is her own private territory if that makes any sense." His smile almost reaches his eyes at the last part of my words.

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