A Need For Teeth

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Finian's POV

Hand in mine, it feels right, nothing wrong with what I'm feeling.

"Now come let's get dressed, we have a sharp tooth devil we need to deal with." Victoria's shocked, her emotions no longer hidden. I'm able to read her like an open book.

She thinks that I'm in love with Meela. The need to calm Victoria's fears down as soon as I figure out what I feel towards Meela? It complicated, there's this unexplainable draw to her, but in love, no, I don't love females.

The demon appears to be settling in comfortably on my shoulder as if he's running late for the show that's just about to begin.

Walking her out of the bathroom, staring hard at any male eyes that even think of traveling down her body in want, I will end them all without even a thought. It would have been so much easier if Victoria had someone else other than my brother, I could have just disposed of the male and be done with it. I do notice the way Becca's eye greedily sweeps over the length of Victoria, a body she knows so well.

She's no competition, nothing Victoria can possibly desire, too weak. How can she compete with what I can offer Victoria?

A Kingdom

The memories of them together, Victoria's sharp intake of breath, eyes closed, powerful moans,

"Beautiful"....Becca's whispered words into her ear, kissing her neck causing Victoria to shudder in make-believe pleasure. What she's pretending in this moment is that it's me with her. She's dreaming it's me, it magnifies her pleasure, for those few precious seconds, it's not Becca who's bringing toe-curling bliss, it's my face. If she isn't careful she would have whispered my name out loud.

With Grey, she never had to pretend he was the real until my eyes found hers, ruining her dreams of what Grey could have been to her. Never would she look at him again that way. Shoving all thoughts of him deep down with memories she wants to pretend never happened...but they did happen.

The demon on my shoulder wanting me to go back, focus more on the two females together. I would be interested in watching more of that except it doesn't bring me that kind of pleasure. The hollowness when the pretending ends with the opening of Victoria's eyes grip my soul, so lonely for so long even in the company of another.

Watching her dress, she's nervous, eyes keep looking at me, her upturned lips still remain on her face. She touches her lips, before dropping her hands, she's starting to feel as if she's lucky in a guarded way. That there might be a chance at something new, the little pup makes no appearance still hiding under the bed, so the monster doesn't hurt her with what she knows to be a truth, everyone either hurts her or leaves her to go to the Moon.

No one ever stays, nothing ever good happens, she has a way of ruining anything good that comes her way...a destroyer of goodness.

The wolf inside her always watching my every move, studying me, taking notes. I never realized how much the wolf see's. Stalking my movements, just waiting for her opportunity to take me out.


Dressing, her eyes can't stop rolling over flesh, now her mind is letting me know how much she appreciates my skin side.

Hungry thoughts of consumption rolling around her unfiltered mind, makes my own starving needs start to rise.

The demon laughing out words, "dirty, filthy, without honor," all filling up my plate for me to eat every word back down, it's hard to swallow all the hate I've spewed over the years, it fills me up with a heaviness that sinks to the bottom of my stomach.

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