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Finian POV

Constricting battling thoughts twisting up my legs, wrapping around my waist. A demon hissing in my ear, you took her brother away, Finian...

Regarding Grey, he's looking at Victoria with pain on his face before his focus turns to the threatening crowd. Wolves starting to bark, posture with great intent, snapping teeth, hands turning into weapons of death.

The wind starts to blow strong as if the clouds are racing to watch the horror like spectators in the arena. The gathering of crows riding the thermals with outstretched wings looking down waiting for the feast to begin.

"Stand up Victoria." I want to scream it at her.

"This needs to be done, don't look away." Standing side by side, she tightens the hold she is barely holding onto in her mind. Her shoulders are back, head held high she is looking out but inside she is folded into herself.

The release is what I feel, letting the wolf have full control.




This is to make a statement of who I am, who they will face in the future if any wolf thinks they are more than me.

Descend into ancestry, survival of the fittest, the strongest, only one leader and that's me.


The world shifts underneath my wolf's feet as we consume, take down, show these wolves gathered why an Alpha is so feared before we can show them why an Alpha is so loved.

Bones crunch, throats of life open up, while souls rise up the moon.

The wind rustling the leaves on the tree's sound like giant clapping waves, cheering my beast domination we will take nothing less.

The wolf's killing is quick, effective, not leaving any room for suffering. Looking into Victoria's eyes while the throat of a nameless is torn out she understands what she was up against attacking him. Now she see's what should have happened to her. The little nips my wolf gave her, she is now seeing the full extent of what my war looks like. It would have been so easy, simple almost too just extinguish the burden of her.

The wolf couldn't do it.

He stands proud for her, blood dripping on the ground at her feet before going back into battle. His territory has just expanded, the wolf ever greedy for land.

A shift in the current of the air brings the smell of submission. Necks turning, tails curling inward, crouching low on the ground, ears back not in aggression but in submission. Whines instead of growls are now heard.

All eyes are on Victoria in contempt, she has brought this destruction to her pack. She holds herself completely still. Shoulders back, head raised looking at nothing, her eyes are unfocused.


My wolf advances on her, step by slow step he wants to relish in this, savor it. Too long has he went without her, too long has he dreamt of his mate. He makes himself as big as possible as menacing as possible for her eyes, for the she-wolf trapped in the body of the skin.

Showing teeth stained in blood he postures to her showing why he is her Alpha.

She kneels in-front of him. Opening up to the animal, she shows him what he's going to claim.

It's a skin side problem, not the animal problem. He see's her wolf as worthy of him, the powerful she-wolf that would make any mate happy.

A self-made survivor.

With a gentleness that surprises me, he places his nose along her neck. This is the only female he will ever touch like this, intimate.

He tries his best not to cause pain, she has felt enough. Canines puncture flesh that easily gives way. He makes it deep, so every wolf will know she is claimed by him.

He's her protection now. He wants her old pack to understand that he is her mate.

Hurt the female, the male will come.

Her hands wrap in his fur, he savors the feeling of being able to provide support to the female who has had very little in her life. This has solidified us to her, we can read her more clearly, the lenses clicking into place without filters.

Licking, sealing the wound shut. She won't meet the wolf's eye, her head stays bowed, body trembling.

Pulling her into my chest while I watch some females slink in between my flock's bodies. They are grim-faced, silver being pulled out.

A determination is what I see in their eyes, to the death is what is staring back at me.

Victoria's juvenile female warriors, I have heard of them but laughed out loud thinking how absurd a thought. Females aren't meant to fight for real, they can be trained but never used in battle.

These warriors edge closer surrounding my warriors who never gave them a second glace.

Very smart.

Before I can say anything to Victoria, I can feel her head shake to the

They listen to her without hesitation, putting knives back into sheaths, disappearing back where they came from.

Her body feels filthy against my naked flesh, yet I crave it. That singular thought makes me gag slightly.

I'll always have to swallow down my own vomit whenever she's around. This is my life now.

"I will never put myself inside you." Saying it while filtering through her memories, Grey's eyes looking down on her while she has him in her mouth, looking up at him, loving him, wanting to please him. This is what I have to see now, her and my brother together, loving each other.

Filthy female

"In front of your entire pack, I want them to understand that you are not worthy of the traditions I hold dear." Shame her in-front of her old pack, like her father always did, like she did to me.

All she's thinking at the moment is she deserves all of this, everything is all her fault and for once I have to agree with her.

It takes a conscious effort not to shove her face first into the ground. Instead, I gently back away so she has to stand alone, by herself to face the eyes of the pack that hates her almost as deeply as I do.

She's used to this, eyes of hate are always turned her way. Another memory of her fleeing the howling horde of wolves that would pounce on her mercilessly. She would always limp away, maybe drag a bloody leg behind her, shoulders ripped open. She would meet them claw and fang as good as the pack gave, it was in her nature to make sure she gave better.

Her wolf was never the first to seek out blood, she never set out to show her dominance. It's what the pack turned her wolf into, by being continually scarred by the teeth of the pack. They turned that wolf into a hated wolf, the malice that consumes the charcoal heart was formed from her juvenile years. Only to continue on into her adult years, she rules with teeth and claw, like she's been taught by her pack.

Her clay was molded with hate, bitterness, malice baked strong and the most hated wolf emerged out of it. They hated her bitterly, but she hated them just as bitterly back.

Now she would seek out the most troublesome wolf in the dark, leap on him, leaving him with an understanding through teeth that she is to be left alone.

She became the enemy of her kind, this only added to her own bitterness and loathing of herself

"Just leave, go inside. I can't stand to see your face." Even when she leaves to turn around Victoria carries herself with the dignity that she doesn't feel. All the eyes fall on this female who walks with her head held high, shoulders back, face forward, carrying herself one sure forward step at a time.

Almost Queen like except she no longer wears a crown, it's cracked and broken at her feet.

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