Jumping To Conclusions

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Finian POV

Gracefully bold, her head held high, jaw clenched tight, movements are from years of practice how to move forward while the inside of her shatters.

Regalness of a Queen.

Nothing gives her away except her eyes; they are the hottest blue ice one can throw my way. That she lets out, she lets me see before her focus turns from me.

A pivotal moment it was, just a fleeting thought about our pups, that was just a thought, and I crushed it instantly.

She just doesn't understand that I don't want her death anymore, I don't want her to die with what we have the potential to create.

A female who will eat its own mother's life in order to survive until it can breathe on its own.

No words pass between us, none need to be said because she assumes she knows everything.

Feet taking her away, surrounding herself with her female warriors. All rubbing her back, a cheek pressed against her cheek in greeting. They smile, missing her, wanting to be saturating in presence. They all love her in their way; she has given them more than they have ever expected they could have. All picked out individually by Victoria who saw the raw potential, molding the soft clay.

She nurtured them through hardships because she has lived in hardship what a better captain to lead a ship than one who understands the struggle.

The folds in her mind unfolding, smoothing out so I can see a juvenile Victoria meeting Becca for the first time.

Becca in the woods crying to the Moon to make her normal, Victoria watching from a distance not wanting to approach because she knows this female well, they are not friends. Disappearing again into the darkness comfortable alone now in the woods, her wolf now is the one to be afraid of.

One on one that wolf is a challenge to any full grown male that she might come across the only one more powerful is her father's wolf for now.

The next day, a glimpse of Becca still with the same clothes on from last night. Walking around without a purpose, her hair isn't brushed, small tangles at the back. Victoria studying the female from the shadows, it's when Becca looks around making sure no one is watching before her hand dips into the garbage to pick out a crumb of food in that minute Victoria feels the compulsion to help her.

Approaching Becca as she swallows down her small meal.

"Do you need somewhere to stay?" Victoria's voice is hesitant.

"No." Becca is instantly backing away from Victoria looking around for help. By this time Victoria has started to torment her biggest juvenile tormentors, turning the tables on wolves who thought they were more than her.

"I asked you if you need somewhere to stay. I have a place if you want. I won't hurt you; I'm offering you my hand." Becca laughs at her.

"You help me, look at you, who's helping you?" Victoria is a vision of homelessness herself, yet she looks as if she does have more than Becca at this moment.

"Myself, I have myself." Victoria's belief in herself still holds strong; she is more than what her father says. She has this drive inside her, to keep pushing forward no matter how hard, no matter what obstacles.

That is the very start of her building her army with the unwanted, the neglected, born different but not wrong.

The ones at the very bottom are the most hungry, Victoria's own hunger growing as well she's going to start to climb that ladder up and out

Fin's ClaimOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora