Clarity Of The Moon's Mirage

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Finian POV


There is layers to silence, the first is the deafening quiet, no sound. If you look closer, the silence gets a little louder with the way the wolves at the table are looking at one another, eye movement speaks volumes. Deeper still in the layer, body language that screams out in your face how her idea is well received. Bodies sitting straighter, shoulders back, heads held higher, these wolves are singing the praise of Victoria's idea without even saying a word.

She invokes mass applause without a sound being heard.

Taking a long sip of coffee, regarding her on my right. "Interesting idea Victoria, we have much to discuss you and me, but for now, I think." It's a hard stare I give her, to behave.

"I think that we need to focus on certain things before we go biting into another male's territory." She sips her tea not saying one word but her language is strong. Her body vibrating, a shiver of skin with the wolf just under her surface always rising when Victoria feels threaten, feels that she is bowing down in some way. I didn't threaten her so she must be feeling submissive to me at the moment.

Her wolf staring at me, ice, cold, wanting to show a slight flash of teeth, that Victoria herself can't control. The beast inside itching underneath to show herself. I can feel the current of power coming off of her, taking a threatening stance even just sitting there.

The first hint at conflict Victoria's wolf always makes her presence known. She fights threats with her own threat, except this wolf has an incredible follow through.

Another show of memory for my eyes, to see. The wolf chained to the pole learning her education in hate. Victoria's father constantly teasing, irritating the beast, driving it mad with petty torment. The gathered wolves laughing opened mouth showing teeth to her, pointing fingers. The chain too short to allow access to throats that the wolf was salivating for. All she could do is bare teeth, snarl malignantly at the gawkers. She would give them a show of rage or she would lay quiet in cold hatred. What she hated the most was his black boots that always came into view whenever she let her guard down, so even when darkness came and the pack slept she would get no rest constantly on guard for those boots that break bones.

Hate knows hate.

The wolf eyes find mine, letting her hate shine out clear to see, so loud is it that I want to flinch away with the unheard loudness of it. The purity of her hate is not diluted, she's looking at me as if I'm now wearing those same black boots.

"Victoria, stop now." She's escalating inside herself.

"I need to speak with you alone, go, wait for me in my office." Her eyes bore into me, that has me raising in my seat with a need to teach lessons to Victoria who's in charge now. She can't be challenging me in front of my wolves, it won't go well for her. She doesn't have a chance fighting me off.

Following her into my office, it's as if I'm constantly chasing her tail.

The demon laughing, sitting back, resting his head against my neck, legs crossed, arms folded, watching in unrestraint giddiness.

"How do you think it will go with the Southern Pack Victoria? We march in there killing everyone, killing Meela's brother?" She looks at me, really looks at me, her eyes getting slightly smaller, jaw tightening.

"You killed my brother, but you won't kill hers!" Her voice rising, she is the only female that thinks that she can stand toe to toe with me. Her whole body getting more aggressive, standing tall, a lifted lip revealing just a hint of canine. It pushes my tolerance to unbearable levels.

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