Turning The Tables

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Finian POV

Stepping out of the truck, I'm met with the pack's excitement, that I'm back.

Greeting exchanging, bonds reforming. They crouch, hover around me, whining slightly in my ear. My hand is going to shoulders in reassurance, smoothing out their worries.

I can't smooth out hers.

Standing tall, using a smile without teeth I try to touch as many members as I can, before going to Victoria's side of the vehicle.

This is such a different welcoming back then what she walked into after taking control of the East.

The curtains to my show raise for my eyes to witness the truth.

Her small loyal following standing around the packhouse as they pull up, an even smaller group getting out of the car along side her, she takes the point. Voices starting to ripple the current of air, Victoria does not hesitate, no words are exchanged.

Submerging herself

Darkness Ascending

The wolf rising

Teeth bared, claws extending she leaps into the abyss allowing her demons full control.

This is a self-made Alpha, no training, no finesse, just an overpowering hunger that drives her constantly forward.

The wolf made in hate is now going to show how well made she is.

Pure bliss is felt as the throat of life is ripped out of her first target, her tormentors falling at her feet, One by one she systematically devours wolf after wolf, nothing but crushed skulls, broken bones litter the blood soaked ground. The demons are slithering around her, caressing her with the blackness of whispered words, praising her with every life she takes.

Her hunger is being fed on the lives of her greatest tormentors, none are left alive, even with submission she takes no pity on them, they have never given her any.

Opening the door for Victoria, her wolf's eyes staring into the crowd, hackles raising, posturing herself towards the wolves that are pressing around her.

Extending my hand towards her, pausing she looks at it before placing her hand in mine. A gnawing hunger of my own starts to slowly make its needs known with the way I'm craving her flesh.


My demons laughter is growing stronger as he takes his place on my shoulder, Victoria's demons must be surrounding her, whispering to act now, make examples just as if she was back in time setting the example of what her reign will be like.

Teeth and claw

She flinches as hands try to touch her, eyes finding hers. Victoria is starting to puff herself out, steps becoming slow unhurried. Her eyes are darkening, while I start to squeeze her hand, hard.

Pulling herself free from my steel grip, her shoulders are back, head held high, she is challenging every wolf she walks by. Her females flanking us as the more agitated Victoria is becoming, her breath coming out faster, muscles tensing as if ready to spring.

Fight or flight, Victoria will always choose the fight.

"Victoria." Palm going underneath her shirt, skin on skin to calm her raising hackles down, also guiding her forward towards the door.

My mother and the gaggle of hens start to approach, what is my mother doing? It looks like she's ready for combat the way she's posturing, making herself more than what she is. Her old reign doesn't extend to the West, yet she's acting like a Luna with back up from her old friends.

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