Jumping to Conclusions

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Victoria's POV

The threat at our new door has been pushed back into their territory...I can't look at Fin as we walk back, instead I surround myself with the females I haven't been able to spend much time with...Becca keeps glancing my way, she looks happier those eyes that were so sad the last time I saw her are now shining with life. Giving her a smile with a slight show of teeth, "you look well Bec."

She is radiating with light..."I found my mate." She whispers to me and I put my arm around her pressing my cheek against hers..."I'm so happy for you." I really mean it...

"I just met her but she's amazing already...she's a cook here.. if it's okay with Alpha Fin could come with me where ever I end up?"

"You don't need to ask Fin, I said it's okay and if anyone gives you any problems, send them to me and I'll make them understand it's fine." Giving her a flash of fang as we walk towards the house.

A very petite slightly older female makes her way towards us, concern all over her face...Becca embraces her and places a soft kiss on her lips before nuzzling into her hair...."Victoria this is Judy," her smile stretches across her whole face, "my mate."

Embracing her cheek to cheek and she smells just like Becca, no mate mark is present yet but I'm sure that it won't be long. "It's very nice to meet you, Judy." Giving a smile to Judy careful not to show teeth of intimidation....I spend the afternoon catching up with the females and it feels good to talk and laugh with them....

Making my way back to the house my good feeling is peeling off my skin, being replaced by a tainted harden skin....that's ready for a battle.

Bryon greets me at the door ushering me into the living room..."It's nice to see you again Victoria." his smile doesn't reach his eyes...hallow and blank, he's just going through the motions.

"I have Whiskey want some?"

"Wine?" An eyebrow lifting is a question.

He walks away, getting me a glass of white, not my thing but I'll drink it anyway. I watch Bryon approach Meela and Grey before my attention falls on Fin. He reaches his hand for me as I pull myself away from his touch..."I'm sorry Victoria. I need to explain."

"I don't need your apologies or an explanation Fin...I'm fine...so just please leave me alone for a while. I don't really have anything to say to you....if we're being so honest with each other." I give him my winter voice, bitter and frozen....I can taste the sourness coming out of me on the side of my tongue, clinging to the back of my throat..."just go away, Finian." Giving him my back, looking out the big bay window...trying to ignore him with some inner strength that I tap into.

He wants to say more, he wants to say things that his mouth won't let him utter. His wolf clearly on edge and not happy with this male...we're both on the same page.

I can tell the moment he walks away from me, the loneliness creeps in, surrounding me with its heavy blanket.

Circling the rim of my wine glass with a single finger before bringing it up to my mouth...sniffing the white liquid before taking a small sip, cringe slightly...Bryon did offer me Whiskey, but I've gone mad on that before.

Clashing voices of Grey and Bryon snap me out of my thoughts...Turning to watch the two males sizing each other up, circling around Meela who's trapped in the middle. Arms outstretched, palms on both their chests....trying to create more distance between them.

"You're pregnant with his pup, are you insane Meela...look what he's done to you...I can't believe how stupid you are." Before he can say anymore Grey lands a hard punch to her brothers face, splitting his lip open....Meela screams for them to stop.

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