The Mountian Top Is Within Reach

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Finian's POV

Morning Glory Blues

Those eyes hold me to my spot. The power she holds over me with just those eyes. I have the power to bring a hemisphere to their knees but Victoria has the power with those eyes to bring me to mine.

"Meela's gone into her heat, I've offered the cottage in the East for them. It's nice there. I thought I could make it nice for them when they get there." Victoria casually mentions this over our dinner time, which has become one of the highlights of my day with my family.

"That's very thoughtful of you. Will they take you up on your offer?" Asking the question while picking up the fork Charlie just threw against the window. A spider vein crack in the glass starts from the point of contact. The window will have to be replaced. Victoria looks at Charlie with a proud smile.

"Charlie, you can't throw things at the windows, they break. Bad girl." She picks up her plastic sippy cup to throw at the glass, her eyes challenge mine when her arm swings back to make the throw.

She looks just like her mother at times.

Taking the cup out of her hands, it's my eyes that burrow into my young in order for her to crouch in her high chair. "You don't, throw things, at the window." Saying it slowly so she understands that this behavior will not be tolerated. She can't grow up thinking she can do anything she wants, it will lead to mass destruction.

"Meela's going to talk it over with Grey, she wants a pup. She's ready." Victoria is looking at me for a reaction to that name, I can feel her reaching within me, trying to read me.

Opening my mind fully for her inspection, it's what she needs right now. The feeling of her presences inside mine has me feeling complete.

"I'm happy for them, Victoria." She pulls herself out of the space of my mind, I try a tentative touch to hers but she's locked up tight.

No entry.

The next day has Victoria leaving to prepare the Eastern Cottage for Grey and his mate to use. She said she would be back in a few days.

Another play date scheduled with some of the pack pups, the fathers this time have brought them. They come in calm, the pups are very close to Charlie's age, some younger, some older.

Keeping Charlie in my arms, not letting her down. The older pups race to her toy box that makes Charlie terrorize the room with her sound. She's flashing teeth that I have no doubt she will use to protect her territory. Rubbing her back, trying to get her used to this idea of sharing. I was never a good sharer either, so I don't blame Charlie.

When I put her down, I keep hold of her hand and we both make our way to the toy box. She's growling, flashing fang and posturing to all concerned that she is the ruler of those toys. The pups automatically step out of her path as they should at first until she invites them into her playtime.

"We need to share our toys, Charlie." She looks at me with a sweet smile, nodding her head in understanding. Picking up a toy in each hand I think she's going to give a toy to the male who's standing there with his hand out. Instead, she hits him on the head with it, hard enough to spill blood.

Picking her up quickly, looking in her eyes, I give her a light spank to her bum, "bad, very bad." Her head goes on my shoulder and she starts to cry with being spanked. It didn't hurt her, just her ego.

Again the playdate is canceled and everyone leaves, with their pups in their arms as if afraid to let them go. So Charlie and I play together. Sitting at her little tea table she pretends to make me tea, the way Lana the healer does. Charlie pretends to pick the herbs and crush them, seep the tea before we both have to blow on the empty cups because it's, hot. I can see how hanging around with Lana has affected Charlie. Besides Victoria and myself, Lana can control Charlie very effectively if she starts to throw her temper around the room.

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