Sick during exam season - Lilo (HS)

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I couldn't believe this. I never got sick, out of all my years of schooling I have only missed about 3 days in the past 12 years.

My little brother on the other hand was constantly sick and bearing in mind he had just recovered from the stomach flu I'm guessing that's what I'm currently fighting.

Now any other time of the year I would be happy about this as it would mean I would get time of school, however I was in the middle of taking my exams and with all the studying and stress I have been under it must of made my immune system weaker.

I couldn't afford to miss any of these exams as my mock results weren't great and those are the grades you get if you can't make the exam so I was pretty determined to make my exam tomorrow.

I only had 1 and it was in the afternoon so I could stay home in the morning and rest, then take the exam in the afternoon and then come back home. This would all work out just fine.

I discovered that this would defiantly not be fine when I woke up in the middle of the night. I was sweating like a pig and felt really nauseous to the extent that I thought to my self that I need to get to the bathroom quick before I make a mess of my bedroom.

I quickly got up and ran for the bathroom and promptly threw up.

I felt awful and I couldn't see how I was possibly going to take an exam the way I felt.

As I was thinking I heard a knock on the door and then my papa's voice.

'Ni are you okay I thought you were better love.'

I decided I was going to have to tell him I couldn't just ignore him.

'Not Ni papa please come in.' I heard open the door and then he gasped

'Oh Haz love!'

(Louis' point of view)
I woke up to the sound of someone running towards the bathroom and the sound that everyone knows is someone puking into the toilet.

My first reactions was to get up and go and help my son who was clearly feeling unwell.

When I got to the door I knocked and since I thought it was Ni I asked if he was okay.

Niall had been off school for a couple of days after being sent home on Monday with a fever and him feeling really sick.

I thought he was getting better as it had been almost 24 hours since he been sick.

I had a bit of a shock however when it was Harry's voice that replied.

Harry never got sick and with him being in the middle of his exams this was not going to be good I just hoped it was stress.

I opened the door and it was a sad sight to see. My oldest desperately trying not to cry while vomiting into the toilet.

'Oh Haz love!' And with those words he let the tears slip. I walked over to him and sat behind him rubbing his back while he continued throwing up what ever was left in his system.

'Do you think this is just due to stress love?' I asked hopefully after he collapsed into me.

'I don't think so papa I feel really sick.'

I moved the curls off of his forehead and placed my hand on his skin. He was really warm and that confirmed that he was indeed sick and very sick by the looks of it.

'When is your next exam love?'

'13:30 and it's a really important one as I failed the mock in this exam and I have been studying really hard for it!'

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