No faking in this house (Part 1)- Larry (NH)

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As some of you probably know due to stress and never ending requests I've started co writing some of the chapters in this book and i'm extremely thankful for the people who have agreed to help me out.  I'm aware that my last chapter ended with the need of a second part and that will happen but I'm writing that one myself so need the time to do that. This chapter is also going to be 2 parts and is co - written with ilangel1 . This book is also my main priority at the moment and although I will still be updating my other books they won't be updated anywhere near as much as this one.
Requests are also closed for the time being until I catch up with requests as more requests coming in is just going to stress me out even more.

Request for: anonymous

"Niall, Liam come on we don't have all day." Louis shouted out before hearing small footsteps coming down the stairs before Liam appeared in the kitchen.

"Hey sweetie, your brother moving about up their?" Louis asked as Liam climbed onto a chair waiting for Louis to give him his breakfast.

"Don't know daddy." Liam said thanking Louis as he gave him his cereal.

"Haz can you check to see if Niall is up yet?" Louis asked turning to his husband and Harry nodded heading upstairs and found Niall's bed empty so knocked on the bathroom door, which was closed.

"Niall you in there?" Harry asked.

"Where else would I be Pop? I'm getting ready now leave me alone." Niall said through the door.

"Oi I don't want your cheek this morning." Harry said as Niall opened the door.

"Now get dressed your dad wants you downstairs."

"No I don't feel well, I'm going back to bed." Niall said heading towards his unmade very messy bed.

"No you're getting dressed and going to school." Harry said without looking at the boy who was pale and feverish.

"No Pop I've just been sick and I'm going back to bed, I'm not even allowed in the school if I've been sick." Niall said clutching onto his stomach.

"Niall your absolutely fine, you've got 10 minutes before I expect you downstairs. If I have to come back up here there's going to be trouble." Harry warned before leaving the room.

"Is he getting up?" Louis questioned as Harry entered the kitchen.

"He better be. He's faking sick though so be aware of that when he eventually comes down." Harry said and Louis sighed. Liam watched both his parents with curious eyes before getting up and headed upstairs worried about his brother.

Niall was sat on his bed rubbing his stomach as he attempted to get dressed. He knew he was going to have problems with school that day. He wanted nothing more than to be able to curl up in a ball in bed and do nothing all day but of course his parents decided he was faking. Well his Pop had he was yet to see his dad that morning but he guessed his Pop would have warned his Dad.

When Niall heard knocking on his bedroom door he initially ignored it guessing It was one of his parents until he heard Liam's voice.

"Nini it's Li." Liam said.

"Come in Li." Niall said weakly.

"What's wrong?" Liam asked walking cautiously over not liking that his older brother seemed so different.

"I feel sick Li." Niall mumbled before quickly jumping from his bed and running to the toilet. Liam was confused at first but he was curious child and decided to follow Niall and gasped when he saw Niall throwing up in the toilet and rubbed his back as he threw up and then realised that his older brother felt really hot.

One direction sickfics/kidficsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora