Double trouble - Nouis (HS+LP)

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Request for: victoria_52745

"You Alright Love?" I asked Harry who was curled in a ball under his duvet shivering.

"Yeah Pop." The lump under the duvet mumbled and I sighed he could hardly talk.

I walked over to him and placed my hand on his shoulder and he rolled over before promptly sitting up and harshly coughing.

"Your Alright." I said rubbing his back.

"I hate this pop." Harry croaked and I smiled sadly at him.

"I know love do you want a tea." I asked him and he nodded.

"I'll be back." I said kissing his forehead and heading downstairs where Liam was sat at the table working on homework with Andy.

"Alright you two?"

"We're Fine Pop." Liam said and Andy shook his head.

"We're not Fine Li, we've been on this slide for the past half hour and are yet to write a word. Your in your own world tonight." Andy said and I looked over at what they were doing.

"History?" I asked looking at the work.

"No believe it or not it's English." Andy said.

"How is that English?"

"Exactly Are problem Pop Where's Dad He might be able to help."

"He's away for the weekend he went this morning. He's gone up to Doncaster to see his family."

"That's just brilliant then, this thing is due on Monday. Why didn't we go anyway?"

"We were but then Harry came down with his cold and your dad didn't want to take him out so he went himself plus I didn't mind staying as I've got loads of marking and planning to do." I said and Liam just nodded.

"This is actually impossible, I give up." I heard Liam say all of a sudden as I was making Harry his tea.

"Keep going love, once you get started your be fine."

"Pop I think your missing the point, we can't get started." Liam said and Andy just chuckled.

"Li maybe if you concentrated a bit harder we might make progress." Andy said and I nodded.

"Take Andys advice love." I said before heading back upstairs to Harry's room.

"What took you so long?" Harry asked before sneezing.

"Your brothers having a bit of meltdown over his English project and he's just discovered your dad isn't around to help him." I said and Harry nodded accepting the mug I was holding out to him.

"Do you want anything?" I asked but Harry shook his head.

"I'm going to drink this and then try and go to sleep." He croaked and I nodded telling him if he needed anything to text rather than shout.

When I got back down Liam looked to have given up completely as he had his head on the table resting in his hands.

"You Alright?" I asked putting my hand on his back but he groaned.

"My head hurts." He moaned and I chuckled.

"Why don't you give up for now love, your clearly not going to get anywhere and just come back to it fresh tomorrow." I said and he nodded.

"You staying for dinner Andy?" I asked the boy who was already beginning to pack away."

"Nah it's alright Niall I need to get home anyway." He said and I nodded.

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