Poorly Cuddles - Narry (LP)

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Request for: Maria4228

Papa." I heard Liam say as he walked into the office with his cuddly pig in his hands and slowly came over to me.

"Yes baby?" I asked as I picked him up and placed him on my lap.

"Just wanted a cuddle." He mumbled cuddling into me.

"Aw well I'm not going to turn down one of your cuddles Li bee." I reassured my eldest son who snuggled further into me.

"Hmm." He mumbled and I smiled.

"You tired?" I asked him and he nodded before I saw him close his eyes.

"Alright you can have a little nap then." I said as I kissed his forehead although I noticed he was warmer than normal.

"You feeling alright baby? Your a little warm." I said placing my hand on his forehead and he was definitely warm.

"Yeah just tired." He said again and I decided to leave it as if anything was wrong then the nap would probably help.

"Go to sleep baby boy." I said while rubbing his back with one hand and starting to continue typing my lesson plans up with the other.

It was no longer than 10 minutes when I heard soft snores coming from my 5 year old and I smiled before continuing with my work, knowing it wouldn't be long till Harry came home with an energetic toddler as if anything a day at nursery seemed to make Louis more energetic than tired.

I felt Liam start to move around about an hour later. The boy had been completely out to the world for the last hour which was another give away that he didn't feel very well, as Liam's normally a pretty light sleeper but he didn't even stir when Louis toddled into the office about 30 minutes ago being his loud and energetic self.

Looking down I saw Liam begin to open his eyes before he whined and stuffed his face into my chest.

"You Okay Baby?" I asked him as I played with his hair.

"Hot." I heard him whine before he looked up at me pouting and I could see he was incredibly flushed.

"My tummy hurts." Was his next statement and I sighed placing my hand back on his forehead and he was a lot warmer than he was just an hour ago.

"Alright, lets go and get you feeling better." I said saving my work before closing my laptop down and carrying Liam towards the kitchen where harry was cooking and Louis was colouring.

"Hey loves." Harry said turning around to see us but his smile disappeared when he saw Liam.

"Aw Li What's the matter Love." Harry asked and Liam reached for Harry.

"Daddy." I heard him whine and harry came over taking the boy from my hold.

"You not feeling well monkey?" I heard Harry ask and I saw Liam shake his head before I began searching for the thermometer and kids pain relief/fever reducer.

"He came into my office about an hour ago saying he was tired and wanted a cuddle before he fell asleep curled onto my lap. He then woke up again about 5 minutes ago and he's complaining he's hot and that his stomach hurts." I explained and I saw harry then place his hand on Liam's forehead.

"I'm not surprised he's complaining he's hot, he's way to warm, his heart also feels very fast as I can feel it against his chest." Harry said as I saw him start to take Liam's school jumper off.

"I'm not surprised your heart rate will increase when your temperatures high, there's a lot of it going around though I mean I've got at least 10 kids out with some kind of stomach bug at the moment I was wondering how long it would be until one of the boys went down with it." I said placing the things down on the kitchen side and filling Liam's cup with water.

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