Hidden problems - Narry (LP)

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Request for: Luiza1107

"Come on Li up you get its a new day." I said walking into my eldests  room and Liam just whined.

"What's that noise for baby?" I asked coming and sitting down on Liam's bed and playing with his hair.

"Throat Hurts." Liam whined before climbing onto my lap.

"Just your throat?" I asked him and he nodded while I placed my hand on his forehead.

"Your not warm or anything." I told him and he shrugged.

"It hurts though." He said and I sighed picking him up.

"Let's go and have a look at it Yeah?" I asked him and he nodded as I carried him into the bathroom and sat him down on the side.

"Open your mouth sweetheart." I said and he did what I said while I shined my phone torch into his mouth.

"It looks fine love." I said letting him close his mouth.


"Do you want a throat lolly?" I asked him and he nodded so I gave him one of them before carrying him downstairs.

"Morning Li." Harry said as we walked in but he sighed when he saw Liam had a throat lolly.

"He Okay?" Harry asked me.

"To be honest I don't know. He's complaining that his throat hurts but I've had a look and looks completely healthy he also doesn't have a fever or anything." I said placing Liam down on a chair before ruffling louis' hair who was eating breakfast.

"Well we can't really do much today as it's Sunday. We're just keep an eye on him and if he's still complaining in the morning I guess take him to the doctors as it might be his tonsils or something." Harry suggested and I nodded agreeing that that was probably the best course of action.

"What do you want for breakfast love?" I asked Liam then as he climbed onto a chair next to louis.

"Nothing that will hurt my throat." He mumbled

"How about some fruit?" I asked him.

"Just banana." Liam said and I nodded handing him that before sitting down next to Harry.

"Do you think he's just being difficult and wants attention or do do you think his throat really is bothering him cause like I said his throat looked absolutely fine." I said to Harry watching as Liam ate his banana very slowly.

"Ni He's 5 I'm pretty sure if he says his throat is hurting then it's hurting. It might be just something irritating it like an allergy." Harry said and I just nodded deciding to keep a close eye on Liam throughout the day.

"What's wrong Li?" I asked as Liam came into my office crying his eyes out while holding onto his cuddly pig.

"Hurts." He sobbed and I sighed pulling him onto my lap.

"Shh Baby," I said softly rocking him gently.

"I thought you were asleep." I said softly when Liam's sobs had turned into sniffles.

"Was but woke up with it hurting loads." He cried and I just nodded.

"Open your mouth sweetie." I said reaching for my phone and turning the torch on. Liam did as I said but again I couldn't see why it was hurting him so much. To me his throat looked completely healthy.

Just then Harry walked in with louis in his arms who also looked like he'd been crying.

"I see it's one of those nights." Harry said realising both our kids were awake when they should be in bed.

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