Birthday nightmare (part 2) - Lirry (NH+LT)

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'Daddy come watch me ride my bike.' I heard Louis call about an hour later.

'Shh Lou Niall is asleep.' I called back and then Louis appeared in the living room.

'Please come watch me.'

Harry then appeared along with our parents.

'How is he love?' Although I think he guessed when he saw the sick bowl.

'He was sick about an hour ago and has been asleep since.' I explained and our parents along with Harry just looked sympathetically at the small blonde asleep on my chest.

'We'll stay with him Li go and watch Lou he's desperate to show you.'

'Alright take Niall then.' I gently sat up from the sofa and Niall moved around a bit but soon settled. Once Harry was situated on the couch I handed him Niall and then took Louis' hand going outside.

'Helmet first Lou.' I reminded him as he went to get on it without it on.

'But it's annoying.'

'It might save you life if you fall off and land on your head. You either wear the helmet or don't go on your bike.'

'Fine.' He then placed the helmet on but came over to me as he couldn't clip the strap.

'There all done now you can ride your bike.'

He nodded happily and got on his bike. After about 5 minutes he got off and came up to me.

'Daddy can we go to the park?'

'I'm not sure love Niall isn't feeling well and I don't really want to leave him.'

'Please not actually go in and play just ride around I'm bored of riding around our drive.'

'Alright do you want me to ride my bike?'

'Yes.' He said excitedly and I told Louis to follow me while I got the garage keys and went to tell Harry where we were going.

'Alright love I'm taking Louis to the park we're going to ride our bikes.'

'That's fine love it will probably do him good. Hopefully tire him out.'

I nodded and Louis pouted as he realised we were talking about him.

Just then Niall started to whimper and mumbled the word sick so Harry quickly picked up the bowl and Niall threw up into that. I quickly told Louis to go into the playroom for a bit and he did with no problem as Louis hates to be around sick.

'Calm down Ni just get it up.' I said as I rubbed his back while Harry held his hair back.

'Where are our parents by the way?'

'They went home as they could see Niall didn't feel well they said they would see us Saturday for the boys party. They tried to find you and Lou but couldn't find you.'

'It was probably when we were round the side Louis wanted to go down slopes and there's that dip round the side.'

Harry nodded before our attention was brought back to our poorly blonde when he gagged and brought up another round of sick. However after that round he simply just laid back down on Harry's chest and closed his eyes.

I smiled sadly and him and took the bowl to empty and fill Niall's cup with more water.

When I returned I saw Harry had placed a thermometer in Niall's mouth and had him cuddled into his side. It beeped not long after and I heard Harry sigh.

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