Snake bite - Lilo (NH)

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Request for: Saralove1389

"Alright then Ni what do you want to do today?" Harry asked his little brother as he came down the stairs finding Niall sat on the sofa watching animal planet.

"Can we go exploring?" Niall asked sitting up and Harry smiled at him.

"We live in the city Ni, where are we going to go exploring?"

"There's those fields and woods like 10 minutes away." Niall stated and Harry wasn't sure about that. It had been said that there were snakes in those fields so most people avoided the area. Harry however wasn't sure about how valid the claims were as snakes in the U.K. weren't that common plus Harry could only think of 2 kinds. One being a grass snake which wasn't venomous at all and the other being an adder which although was venomous was pretty rare.

"Yeah Okay go and get dressed then." Harry said before Niall ran off upstairs to get ready. Harry loved the fact that his parents now trusted Harry enough to look after Niall himself rather than bringing in a babysitter as harry was now 16 and most defiantly did not need to be baby sat.

"Haz when are daddy and papa coming back?" Niall asked coming up behind Harry who was making Lunch.

"They should be back by tonight." Harry said and Niall nodded.

"I've missed them."

"They've only been gone 24 hours Ni." Harry chuckled but Niall shrugged as that to him was a very long time without seeing his daddy and papa.

"What time tonight?" Niall asked sitting up at the table.

"I don't Ni, they didn't give me a set time just said it would be before you went to bed so you will see them tonight Okay. Now eat that up and we're go exploring." Harry said and Niall smiled before happily eating the sandwich that Harry had made him.

Once Niall was finished Harry told him to get his shoes on while he quickly tidied up before grabbing his house keys and joining Niall in the hallway and putting his own shoes on.

"Right we ready?" Harry asked and Niall nodded quickly walking outside as soon as Harry opened the door.

"Hang on Ni I have to lock up." Harry called out attempting to lock the front door which took a couple of attempts as Harry expected as he could never do it first time (literally me with our front door).

"Come on Haz." Niall called out and Harry sighed.

"When your old enough this door will be become your worse nightmare as well." Harry said finally locking the door before joining Niall.

"Can we take are bikes?" Niall asked and Harry shrugged but nodded as it was a nice day and it would take half the time to get to the field on bikes.

"Alright come with me." Harry said going over to the garage and finding his garage door key on his key ring before opening the garage.

"Helmet Ni." Harry called out as he saw Niall walk past his helmet straight to his bike.

"But I don't like it, and you don't wear one."

"You either wear it or you don't take your bike, plus the reason I don't wear one is because my old one is now yours and daddy and papa have never got me a new one as I hardly ever ride my bike anymore." Harry said and Niall just huffed but picked his helmet up putting it on.

"Can we go now?" Niall asked and harry smiled nodding.

"Yep let's go."

"Alright Ni Stop here then and I'll look after your bike but your not to go further than I can see." Harry explained and Niall sighed.

One direction sickfics/kidficsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें