Problematic tonsils - Nouis (LP)

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I woke up to a burning throat and a headache of the century.

I really didn't feel good and the last thing I wanted to to was sit in a car for 4 hours with my parents and younger brother who gets really bad travel sickness.

I knew it was probably tonsillitis I have had it enough times throughout my life to recognise the symptoms by now.

I slowly made my way downstairs to try and find some painkillers before it got so bad that I couldn't swallow anything.

I was concerned however this time as this would be my 7th time with tonsillitis this year and that meant that they were more than likely going to remove them.

Don't get me wrong I was glad they were finally going to be removed but there was a lot of things that could go wrong and it made me really nervous.

Just as I was putting the pain killers away I heard the tell tell noise that someone was coming down the stairs.

'Li what are you doing up its 3am?'

'My throat was hurting and I have a massive headache so I was just taking some pain killers.'

I explained to my pops who looked at me with a concerned look in his blue eyes.

'Come here baby'

I walked up to him and he placed his hand to my forehead before sighing.

'Your warm Li go back to bed, I'm going to get your dad to come and look at you he's better at this than I am.'

I slowly walked up to my room and it wasn't long till dad was walking into my room and turning on my bedside lamp.

I saw he had his phone with him and a popsicle stick along with the thermometer. I got tonsillitis so often he had a stash of popsicle sticks for this kind of occasion.

'You alright love? pops said your throat was bothering you.'

'It really hurts dad!' I rasped out I was surprised how bad my voice sounded all of a sudden.

'Alright love don't talk unless you have to it sounds like it hurts a lot.'

I simply nodded my head and he turned the thermometer on.

'Your pops said you were warm so I want to see how warm you are and then I'm going to look at your throat, if it's bad enough and I think that it is tonsillitis I will book you a doctors appointment for as soon as we can get one and I will cancel the trip to Nans.'

I nodded my head as I knew I wasn't supposed to talk and opened my mouth so he could put the thermometer under my tongue.

'Is that alright?'

I gave him a thumbs up to say that it was fine and we waited for the beep. I was so tired I could feel myself falling to sleep but I knew I couldn't yet.

Once it beeped dad took it out.

'100.7 that's around where you normally are when your sick so that's nothing to concerning Li.'

I nodded and he came over to me with his phone and a popsicle stick.

'Can you open as wide as you can for me baby, I know it's going to hurt but I need to see!'

I did as I was told and felt him push my tongue down with the stick. He looked for about 2 minutes before pulling back and turning off his torch on his phone. By the looks of his face I knew it wasn't great.

'Your throat is really red Li and your tonsils look swollen as well so I will make you a doctors appointment in the morning and I will ring Nan to say we won't be coming.

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