Some help would be nice - Larry (LP, NH, HS)

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Request for: secret_Awesome_Girl

"Daddy." I heard Liam cry from his bedroom and I sighed standing up from the sofa where Harry and I had been trying to catch a break. Both Liam and Niall had come down with horrible winter colds leaving them congested and suffering with headaches, sore throats and Niall also had a cough.

"Don't rush or anything Haz." I said looking back at Harry who had made no move what so ever to move.

"He was calling for you." Harry said looking up and I sighed.

"So he would be just as happy with you." I said before heading upstairs towards Liam's room.

"You Okay Love?" I asked poking my head round Liam's door and the poor boy shook his head while reaching for me.

"Come on little guy calm down getting this worked up isn't going to help anything." I said sitting down with him and rubbing his back as he started to take deeper breaths showing he was calming down.

"What's made you get so worked up Li?" I asked Liam as he curled into a tight ball on my lap.

"Bad dream." Liam croaked before sneezing and I reached over for a tissue getting him to blow his nose.

"No hurt." Liam whined when he saw the tissue.

"Sorry sweetie but we need to get all this horrible stuff out of you and I'm afraid that means your nose might hurt a bit." I said however I knew it must have been agony for the 6 year old as by this point his nose was red raw.

Liam huffed but blew his nose causing more tears and once I was satisfied I let him cuddle further into me.

"Your a bit warm Li." I said sadly placing my hand over different parts of his skin. Liam just gave a sad whine snuggling further into me.

"I'm going to get the thermometer Okay." I said kissing his hair and he just sighed but let me get up before I quickly left the room grabbing a damp washcloth while I was at it.

"Sit up for me baby." I said as I walked back into Liam's room but Liam shook his head.

"Room spin when sit up." Liam said sadly and I sighed.

"I think you need to be drinking more love." I said before gently repositioning his top and placing the thermometer under his arm.

"Hurt to drink."

"I know love but you being dizzy isn't good and I think it's because your not drinking enough, I mean I left the cup in here this morning and you've drank hardly anything." I said and he just nodded sadly as I handed him his cup to take drink as I removed the beeping thermometer and got his top back on correctly.

"How much do I need to drink?" Liam asked before sneezing making some water fall out the cup. Luckily it was just water.

"I want you to drink the rest of it the cup isn't very big." I said and Liam sighed but did begin taking small sips as I looked at the thermometer seeing that it was orange which meant without even looking at the number that the temperature was above average but not extremely high.

"Right like I expected Li you do have a little fever so it's even more important for you to keep drinking." I said as I placed the washcloth on his forehead.

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