Halloween - Lilo (LP+NH)

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request for: Josefagranadina

"Daddy, Papa come on it's getting dark now and you said once it's dark enough then we can go trick or treating." Niall said rushing into the living room seeing his parents cuddled together on the sofa.

"Ni, Love Daddy doesn't feel to well so you need to be quiet." Louis said as he looked up from where he was cuddling with Liam.

"But you said."

"I know baby, but you are still going trick or treating just harry is going to take you instead." Louis explained to the small boy who nodded.

"Oh okay, where is he?"

"Football love." Louis said hoping Harry wouldn't have a problem with taking Niall out as he hadn't actually asked Harry. The original plan was that him and Liam were going to take Niall trick or treating but Liam had come home from work complaining about a headache and a sore throat and just wanted to cuddle with Louis and sleep, which was exactly what he was doing.

Niall nodded and climbed onto the sofa with Louis and Liam and snuggled next to Louis on the other side that Liam wasn't occupying.

"Will Daddy Be Okay?" Niall asked seeing his father sound asleep next to his Papa.

"Yeah he'll be fine, he's just got a bit of a cold and is really tired." Louis explained and Niall nodded.

"I'm home."

"Hazzy." Niall said happily when he heard Harry's voice and jumped of the sofa successfully waking Liam as he went to see his older brother.

"It's Alright Li it was just Ni going to see Haz."

"My head is killing." Liam mumbled as he snuggled further into Louis' side.

"You should of come home earlier then shouldn't you rather than trying to tough it out at work." Louis said earning a glare from his husband.

Liam was nearly asleep again when they heard Niall crying and soon the small boy was back in the lounge but this time sobbing.

"What's wrong love?" Louis asked grabbing Niall and walking into the kitchen so his sobbing wouldn't aggravate Liam's headache any further.

"Harry won't take me trick or treating." Niall sobbed once Louis had him on his lap in the kitchen.

"Why not Baby." Louis asked bouncing Niall on his knees trying to get him to calm down.

"Said He was going to a party." Niall cried into Louis' chest and then Louis remembered something about Harry mentioning going to a party. Oh well he will have to be a bit late.

"Come let's go and talk to harry." Louis said as he picked Niall up and took him upstairs before walking into Harry's room.

"Yes?" Harry asked expectantly as he saw his dad and younger brother.

"Harry can you please take Niall trick or treating even if it's just half hour." Louis pretty much begged.

"Papa I told you about this party weeks ago. I need to shower and get ready I don't have time to take Niall out."

"Harry Please, your dads sick and I need to stay with him and therefore we can't take Niall. He's been so excited about this, you won't even be that late." Louis explained and Harry sighed.

"Fine but I'm literally just going around this neighbourhood with him."

"That's all I ask." Louis said smiling as he left Harry's room.

"Go and get dressed then in your costume and then come downstairs." Louis said placing Niall on the floor who had brightened up and ran into his room. Louis chuckled before heading back downstairs and back to Liam.

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