Clingy little monkey - Narry (LP)

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'Good morning my lovely family.' was my welcoming when I entered the kitchen to see my husband and 2 kids sat at the table eating breakfast.


'Hey Lou Lou.'

'Guess what daddy?'

'What monkey?'

'I was dry when I woke up this morning.'

'Aw Lou love that's brilliant news.' With Louis being nearly 3 we were trying to get him dry through the nights. He only wore pull ups over night as he was dry during the day for the most part and he had a sticker chart where when he was dry over night he could stick a sticker on the correct day. If he got a sticker on everyday for a week we agreed the pull ups could go.

'That's 3 nights in a row now so that's a new record.' Niall said coming up to me and giving me a cup of coffee.

'Maybe those pull ups will be leaving the building sooner than expected.'


Niall then took Louis into the living room to watch cartoons before nursery while I took a seat next to Liam who was just pushing his cereal round the bowl, making no move to eat it.

'Your being very quiet this morning.' Liam was usually a very bouncy and hyperactive child on a morning especially when he had school.

'I don't feel well.'

'What's wrong bud?'

'My throat and head hurts.'

'Aw baby now that your talking I can hear that your throat must be hurting.'

He looked up to me and made grabby hands so I picked him up out of his seat and placed him on my lap.

'Do you want anymore of your cereal?'

'No it hurts.'

'Alright baby.' He then snuggled into my chest and fisted my shirt.

'Do you feel well enough to go to school?' I said hoping that he would say yes as I know both me and Niall had work today and I doubt I can get any time off, and I know for fact Niall can't as he has a school trip with his class.

'I don't know.' I knew that he wasn't really well enough. For Liam to give me that as an answer should make alarm bells ring as Liam loves school.

'Can you look at me a minute.' He lifted his head and I placed my hand on his forehead. He was burning their was no way he was going to school today.

'Come on baby lets go and get you changed into some comfy clothes and you can have some medicine.'

He nodded so I picked him up and carried him back upstairs to his room.

'Right Li let's get you out of this uniform and into some joggers and a sweatshirt.' He nodded and let me change him before carrying him into the bathroom.

'Baby I'm just going to check your temperature first so can you open wide for me.' He tried to open his mouth wide but as soon as he did tears sprung to his eyes.

'Aw baby does it hurt that much?' He nodded so I told him to lift his arm instead so I could place the thermometer their. I then grabbed my phone and turned on the torch.

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