Bad cold - Larry (LP)

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Request for: Lu0715

"Liam you need to keep blowing your nose sweetie." I said as I heard Liam sniffling in the back of the car.

"But it hurts my nose." He whined and I sighed, the poor boy was even more congested than he was this morning.

"I know lovey, but your feel better for it." I said and I heard him sniffle before rummaging around and I heard him then blow his nose before coughing.

"Can I go to bed when we get home?" He asked sadly.

"How about I set you up a bed on the sofa? We can bring your duvet and pillows down and get you all snuggly?" I said and I saw him nod through the mirror.

"Okay daddy." He said quietly. I knew I shouldn't have sent him to school today as I had probably made things 10 times worse for him as he needs rest but at the end of the day it's just a cold. I mean I was sent to school with a cold when I was a kid as it was a rule in our house that unless you had a fever above 100 we weren't that bad and could attend. At the end of the day if we were that bad we'd be sent back home.

"I'm sorry I sent you to school Li." I said and Liam sniffled.

"I don't mind Daddy I like school." That's another reason why Liam ended up at school as the boy loved it at school and it was hard to get him to take time off for sickness.

When we reached home I helped Liam out the car before grabbing my bag and Liam's before locking the car and opening the front door.

"We're home Ni." I called out earning a hello from the boy that sounded like it was coming from upstairs.

"Do you want to put your pyjamas on or just stay in your uniform till bathtime?"

"Stay in this."

"Right Go and get comfy on the sofa then sweetheart and I'll be in in a minute." I said and he nodded before heading into the living room while I headed upstairs quickly popping into Niall's room.

"Hey sweets." I said and he looked up.

"Hey dad." He said smiling before going back to what I'm guessing was homework.

"Good day?"

"Well I had school so what do you think?" He asked looking up at me. Honestly him and Liam couldn't be more different when it came to school.

"Alright Love keep going with the homework I'll be downstairs if you want me." I said and he nodded before I went over to Liam's room grabbing his duvet, pillow and comfort blanket and then headed downstairs.

I smiled when I got downstairs and found Liam curled up on the sofa watching tv and when he saw me he reached out clearly wanting a cuddle.

"Hang on a minute sweetie." I said before placing the pillow under his head and throwing his duvet over him.

"Do you want blankie?" He nodded so I handed him that before heading into the kitchen to grab the box of tissues and Liam a drink.

"Cuddle daddy." He whined when he saw me again and I smiled placing the tissues and his drink on the coffee table before picking him up and taking his place before placing the duvet over both of us.

"Better?" I asked and he nodded rubbing his eyes.

"Why don't you have a nap?" I suggested and he nodded slowly against my chest before closing his eyes. I smiled and gently kissed his hair and he quickly fell asleep however you could hear just how congested he was as he breathed.

It was around an hour till Liam woke himself up by coughing and clearly scared the 6 year old as he began crying.

"Hey, Shh Li it's alright daddy's got you." I said gently rubbing his back as he calmed down.

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