Birthday nightmare (part 1) - Lirry (NH)

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'Daddy.' I placed my book down and took my glasses off and looked at my little blonde who was coming towards me.

'Yes sweetie.'

'I'm cold.'

'Why are you cold little bug it's really warm out today.'

'I don't know I just am.'

'Come here then Ni. Have a cuddle with daddy.'

I watched as he climbed onto my lap and got comfy against my chest.

'Where's papa and Lou?'

'There still outside. Louis wanted to play football.'

I nodded my head as football was something that the twins didn't share an interest in. Football was just a Louis thing.

'You looking forward to your birthday tomorrow?' I questioned him as I brought him closer to me and hugged him tighter as I could feel him shivering and I could see little goosebumps forming on his skin.

'Yeah I can remember last year that we didn't get to do anything, since it was to expensive as they would have to do everything twice. I also don't think they liked us much.'

'Did you not do anything then.'

Niall just shook his head.

'Did you get a cake?'

'Not really they just brought a load of cupcakes but me and Lou didn't get one as we weren't fast enough.'

'Well this year your going to have the best birthday ever.'

'There's not much competition.'

I sighed and kissed his hair feeling him snuggle more into my chest.

'Why are you so cuddly all of a sudden?'

'Your warm and I'm cold.'

The fact that he was this cold was starting to concern me as it was the middle of June and I was basically sweating.

Before I had a chance to question Niall further a sweaty Louis and Harry came in.

'I'm telling you now for a 4 year old he's good.' Harry stated flinging himself onto the other sofa.

'I'm 5 tomorrow.' Louis reminded him. He has literally been counting down the days.

'Oh don't you worry Lou boo I'm completely aware.' Harry said before grabbing Louis and placing him on his lap while tickling him.

'Stop papa stop.' He said through laughs it was adorable to watch.

When Harry finally finished tormenting Louis Louis slid of his lap and just stared at him.

'Can I have some ice cream?'

'Why should I give you some ice cream.'

'Because I'm hot and sweaty and ice cream will cool me down.' He said showing Harry his puppy dog eyes.

'How about I get you an ice pop as the ice cream is for tomorrow.'

'Okay.' Louis was obviously satisfied with that answer and headed for the kitchen.

'Do you want one Ni?' Harry asked the curled up blonde in my lap.

'No thanks papa I'm to cold.'

'Cold? Ni its boiling out.'

He just shrugged and cuddled into me again.

'Is he alright Li? He's not sick or anything. He really shouldn't be cold.'

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