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Ima just start with I love the "jealous"
One shots okay? Okay.

So when your are
A. Writing a story
B. Writing a oneshot/imagine

Jealousy/Protectiveness/saving are different things

We all know what jealousy means so let's not
do that

Over protective? Is when it's very dramatic protection *sigh*

But what pisses me off

You got a girl x boy oneshot
Boy is "jealous"

Then it's written so the girl is getting groped or assaulted and the boy swings in to save her
Or it's her bf who returns and saves her

That is not jealousy wtf
That is not being over or even just protective
This is someone being a decent human being

I just want to read a cute jealousy oneshot and it's all cute. I'm not here to read about this girl being assaulted they boy saving her and it being passed of as "jealousy" or being "protective"

There is a fine line between saving someone and being jealous

Also sometimes with jealousy you can make the person insecure

Every time I read something tho the boy is jealous because he "doesn't trust other boys" around his girlfriend

And then the girl is always insecure that he will leave her

The boy can be insecure
The girl can not trust other girls

It's so basic how somethings are written

Insecurity is a thing without no reason for jealousy?? Also tho if it's gonna be a "hot" scene then don't make someone insecure and crying then it's a make out session


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