The 100

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Some stuff about love interests

a. Don't steal from other characters
(Ex. For Bellamy/Finn don't make them Clarke. For Lincoln don't make them Octavia)

b. Friend circles. They have to be similarish like a friend of Murphy's isn't just going to talk to Jasper no problem Jasper would be afraid

c. Making someone else a bitch
(Just cuz the OC is w/ Bellamy doesn't mean Clarke's hates me) or just making people bitchy so they can run to the love interest

Don't steal personalities from other characters.

No matter the love interest you have to create YOUR character. Don't make them just like Clarke, Octavia, Raven etc.

They can be:

~learn about grounders

But you can't STEAL important lines + actions + attitudes from characters

Go ahead and use little lines that others say to make your character involved but those lines can't be shaping other characters

Sure use some scene that'll help your character be present and you have an idea but not a scene that shapes another character

How NOT to write Fandom Stories Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt