So Many Thoughts

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I didn't know what to title this one

But I'm going to try to get my thoughts across well

Basically every single OC main character over thinks every single decision they need to make

I understand we get to have a look in their head and get some thoughts but still

Like here lemme give examples of some

Teen Wolf:

Omg I'm a werewolf! Oh no no no. Who wants to be a super cool, powerful, strong werewolf? Omg what should I tell Stiles? What will Stiles think? What if I hurt stiles. Bad wolf. Stiles. Stiles. Stiles. No wolf.

Things wrong with this:
A) Bro your a werewolf that's cool? Why does everyone hate when they get powers of they hate something that could be cool?

B) it's all about stiles. You have parents and friends. And think about yourself. It happened to you.

C) we get your in your feelings but you don't need to obsess. Yes this is a huge deal so this should take up more time. Yet you know your a werewolf so you must know someone who can help you so calm down

The 100:

What we are being sent to earth? What? Omg omg omg no no no what! We will die! Oh no! How can they do this to us? Why why why! How can this be a thing? No no no I only stole something ahh

What's wrong:

A) we get It earth super scary

B) your not excited at all?? You don't notice the other teens with you?

I got Dauntless? But I'm Candor! Whaaaaat? How? I'm truthful I don't lie. Or maybe even I'm selfless! I'm not brave! Like at all
~at the ceremony~
*20 minutes of panic thoughts*
I chose Dauntless. I hope it's the right decision. I hear cheering but idc that the new place I chose actually accepts me. How did I get here?

What's Wrong:

A) you are obviously brave if that's ur test results
B) why does no one care Dauntless is excited to take them in?

C) you choose Dauntless stfu and be happy

You see my point? Why is no one excited for anything new??

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