Trigger Warnings

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Make warnings big and prominent!!

Assault/Self Harm: these wont just be going away. If your plot doesn't revolve around these things do not throw it in as a side piece.
I see that people use this for a side story and lasts like 2 chapters. These will be effecting them for a long time.

Sexual Assault is not a good way for people to meet, show they are caring, or use as a side plot line.

And if there is assault happening put a trigger warning. Anything that may affect a reader put a warning.

Self Harm: can be hard to write. So you can skip it. (Not a side plot!) but you don't have to write it in detail. If you don't understand the thought process someone is going through you can skip it so you don't make your character a dumbass.

They will also think about it in the future. It doesn't go away a chapter later. Or just because it stops and they don't do it anymore doesn't mean they won't think about it.

How NOT to write Fandom Stories Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon