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Not everyone is comfortable with smut
So you don't always need to include smut

You can ask your readers

You can put a not at the beginning of the chapter and then before the scene

You can make it subtle

You can not write it


Don't have the two people have their first kiss then they fuck

Don't even them be dating for a month then they fuck even tho they met 2 months ago. Like you don't know eachother ¡

Not everyone wants to read smut about people who just met and flirted


When someone isn't ready for sex in the story it's always the girl. It can also be the boy

With LGBT moments don't write it like it's a new surprising thing. It's sex.
If you are going to write a scene write it how your characters would really react



I swear these people got it so they kiss.
Then they make out.
Fall on bed.
And you know the rest.

But there is no:
"is this okay"
"Are you sure"
"are you ready"
"I want you to be comfortable"
"If your not ready that's okay"

Why all these people always assume making out leads to sex


So yeah


And be wary if your readers don't want to read smut
Be subtle
Or don't include it

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