Chapter 13

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"He is completely head over heels for you!" Cher whispers to me.

Everyone is standing on the stage in front of the judges. The boys are up to dance. Everyone else is off to the side waiting for our turn. The over twenty fives have already gone. The girls and groups are left.

"No, he isn't." I whisper back giving a thumbs up to Louis.

When Louis and I got back to the hotel we went our separate ways. The way back was quite awkward. Neither of us really talked the entire time. When I got back to the room, I told Cher everything. I needed someone to talk to. Since Riley isn't here. Cher is the closest person I have besides Louis. I can't really talk about boys to him, though. Especially when the boy is him.

"Are you kidding me?" Cher turns her body slightly. "He wiped frosting off your lip with his thumb."

The music starts playing and the guys start dancing. Some guys are on time while others aren't. Louis is doing a fairly good job. Niall is so lost, though. He knows some of the moves, but he is too slow.

"That doesn't mean anything." I reply.

"Yes, it does." Cher argues.



"No, Cher."

"Yes, Carter." She mimics my voice.

"And switch lines." Brian Friedman says into the microphone.

I look out at the judges to see Simon looking through some papers. The judges look back up at the boys then back down.

"Where is Zayn?" Brian asks everyone looking around. "Does anyone know where Zayn is?"

The judges talk amongst themselves for a few seconds. Simon suddenly stands up from the table and walks away. He must be going to find him.

Cher turns to face me completely. "So you think Louis doesn't like you?"

"That's correct." I nod.

"Then why is he looking at you?" Cher stares over my shoulder.

I roll my eyes. "He's not looking-oh." I stop myself when I see Louis waving at me. I wave back at him. "He's being friendly."

"Then why wasn't Niall looking over here?" Cher smirks at me when I turn back around.

I look over my shoulder to see Niall staring at the ground with his hands in his pockets. "He looks nervous." I frown at him. I feel bad for him. He isn't the best dancer.

A sharp slap makes me turn back to Cher. "Why did you slap me?" I rub my upper arm.

"Don't change the subject." She points a finger at me.

"You're the one that brought him up." I remind her watching the guys continue dancing.

The music stops. Simon walks back to the judge's table. I notice a boy walking on the stage and a few people clap. That must be Zayn. He walks to the front line looking nervous.

"And music." Brian says. The music starts back up. "Sell it!"

Zayn is dancing pretty well. He keeps getting lost at a few parts. You can tell he knows the dance. Must be the nerves. That's what I'll probably look like. Or I'll trip over my own feet.

"Freestyle!" Brian says.

All the guys start doing their own moves. Niall looks so awkward. It's a good thing this won't be used against us. Louis is doing is own thing, but doing a good job at it. A guy on the end is moving his feet pretty fast. He's a good dancer.

"Nice. Good job everybody." Brian says signaling for the music to stop. "That's it. Thank you."

The guys walk off the stage together. Louis looks in our direction before stepping down the stairs.

"Can we have all the girls on stage?" Brian asks next.

Ah crap. Cher grabs my arm and leads me to the middle of the stage. She stops us in the back row. Good. I don't want to be in the front. The rest of the girls get in the lines. I'm so nervous. Please please don't let me screw up.

"Here we go." Brian nods to the people controlling the music.

Telephone by Lady Gaga blares throughout the room. I count to three and start dancing on time. Cher follows my moves. I close my eyes so I don't get distracted by the other dancers. So far so good.

"And freestyle."

This is where all the years of dance lessons come in handy. I do some ballet, hip hop, and classical in my freestyle. I want to show the judges that I can do different types of dancing. This doesn't count against us, but I still need A's much help as I can get.

"Stop. Very good. Thank you." Brian raises his hand to stop the music.

I open my eyes. The girls walk off the stage and I follow them. Cher is right behind me panting slightly. We walk down the stairs and form a small half circle. The cameras come up to us. One of the girls answers a few questions.

"If I didn't watch you the entire time I would have danced terribly." Cher tells me. "Thank you for being such a good dancer."

I giggle quietly. Maybe I did do a good job.

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