Chapter 27

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"Marco!" I shout, my voice echoing quietly throughout the house. I stop walking and listen quietly.


I continue walking around the lower level of the house, looking for anyone else. Louis had this strange idea of playing Macro Polo in the house because it is raining outside. So here I am, wandering this massive house for someone hiding. It's actually an interesting game. It is basically like hide and seek, but you say marco and polo and your eyes are open.

I've already found Rebecca. She couldn't stop giggling when I got closer to her. Most of the contestants in the house are playing except for the people that think this game should be for the younger people. Louis called them party poopers.

Since we have two weeks off, Louis and I agreed to never let anyone get bored in this house. We made that deal on the first day. Today is our fourth day here and no one has complained about being bored.

"Marco!" I call out again.

"Polo." A faint voice replies back.

A small smile creeps on my face as I walk over to the bathroom. I didn't think of checking in there. The door was shut, so I just assumed that no one was in there. I place my hand on the doorknob and twist in slowly.

"Ah hah!" I exclaim, pushing the door open.


I check behind everything in the bathroom. I swear I heard a voice come from in here. My mind is now playing tricks on me. I shut the door and scan the room. Where is everyone hiding? I thought Niall would be the easiest to find because he will laugh at anything. Sadly, I was mistaken. I can't find anyone.

"Marco!" I yell again, becoming desperate. "I am terrible at this game." I mutter to myself.

I climb the stairs back up to the first floor. I have been searching this house for a hour. I only found Rebecca. One person cannot find more than fifteen people hidden in this house. It's practically impossible.

I trudge in the kitchen and decide on making myself an ice cream sundae. Searching the house for people hiding is a lot of work. I found one person. Now it's time to reward myself.

I grab a nice large bowl and place it on the counter. I'm not worried about finding everyone. They will come out on their own. I'm such a nice person. I grab the cookie dough ice cream from the freezer. I scoop more than half of the ice cream in the bowl. I know I won't be eating all of this by myself. Niall will be the first one to come out of hiding. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Niall was hiding in the fridge.

I finish adding all of my toppings to my ice cream and put everything away. I grab a handful of spoons on my way to the living room. I plop down on the couch with my bowl of ice cream on my lap.

"I should probably tell everyone I give up." I tell myself. "I give up." I whisper.

That should do it. If they didn't hear me then it's not my fault. I told them. They just didn't listen careful.

I set the spoons on the table. I figured Niall would have been here by now. Maybe he wasn't hiding in the kitchen. I eat my ice cream in peace. Who knew this house could be so quiet with twenty three people living in it?

"Where is everyone?"

I let out a scream and jump in the air. I whip my head around to see who just asked that question. Simon Cowell is standing in the living room with his arms crossed. How did he get in here? I didn't even hear him come in?

"Carter?" Simon raises an eyebrow at me.

"Uh. Sorry." I straighten up. "You scared me. Everyone is playing Marco Polo."

"They're in the pool in this weather?" Simon's eyebrows furrow together.

"No. They are playing in the house. It was Louis's idea." I tell him.

Simon nods his head like he understands. "Do me a favor and scream really loudly."

"Um. What?" I ask, making sure I heard him correctly.

"Trust me." Simon nods, curtly.

"Um. Alright then." I reply, unsurely.

I take a deep breath and let out a loud scream. That sounded like it belonged in a horror movie. I'm quite proud of myself. If I had a collar shirt on I would pop it. I'm such a weirdo.

This is why I don't have a boyfriend.

Louis and Aiden race into the living room. They come to a halt when they see Simon standing in the room. Niall runs past them and plops on the couch next to me, grabbing a spoon from the table. Everyone else walks in the room and makes themselves comfortable on the couches.

Simon stands in front of all of us, waiting for everyone to sit down. I grab Louis's hand and pull him down next to me. Harry sits on the floor, leaning against my legs. Everyone else sits in various spots of the living room.

"Okay, now that all of you are here I need to discuss some things with you." Simon starts. "First, you all have a photo shoot in three days. Second, try to not have any relationships in the house. Viewers are already pairing people up."

"Like who?" Esther Campbell from Belle Amie asks.

"Harry and Cher." Simon starts first. "Then you have Aiden and Carter."

"No offense, but you are not my type." Aiden chuckles.

"That's not it." Simon says. "Esther and Zayn. The main one is Louis and Carter."

"Even the viewers know you two are meant to be together." Cher laughs.

"All I'm saying is if you start dating someone in the house don't make it obvious to the public." Simon stares in my direction.

Why is he staring at me when he says that?


Author's Note:

This would have been updated earlier, but I ended up watching One Direction videos. You know what happens when you watch one video. You can't stop. Yeah, that just happened to me..No shame.

So, yeah.

Comment below! Tell me what you think so far!

Question! How old are you? I'm not trying to sound creepy. I just want to know how old my readers are. I'm seventeen. :)


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