Chapter 42

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"Are you serious?!" I yell at Louis. "We haven't been talking for what? A week? And, you ask me to be your girlfriend? Are you insane? First, you hurt me a lot by accusing me of those things you heard from Craig. Then, you made me cry like every night because you brought back all the painful memories of my so called dad. Now you expect me to forget about all of that and date you? Are you insane?!"

Louis's mouth drops open in shock. I glare at him, annoyed. I can't believe him. That was so stupid to ask. I like Louis. I do, I'll admit it, but he is just stupid if he thinks I'm going to forgive and date him just like that. No, it doesn't work that way. If Louis wants to date me then he needs to earn my trust back.

"If you really want to date me then you need to gain my trust back. I like you, but I'm not just going to go out with you because you apologized." I say in a calmer voice.

Louis doesn't say anything. He just continues to stare at me. I guess he wasn't thinking that I would say something like that. I glance down at my ankles and begin untying them. I just want to get out of here. I'm going to kill Niall, Harry, Cher, and Matt for this.

"Can we at least go back to being best friends again until I gain all of your trust back?" Louis asks in a quiet voice.

"No." I shake my head at him. "We can be friends, but not best friends. I don't trust you enough for that. You really hurt me, Louis."

Louis's face falls. "I know."

"You're going to have to work really hard." I finally manage to get my ankles untied.

"I'm truly sorry for everything." Louis apologises again.

I stand up and brush off my clothes. "I wish we were still best friends because then I would have said yes, but you screwed up. Now you have to work hard to get all of that back."

I reach for the door and pull it open. A cold gust of wind blows into the shed. I glance at Louis before stepping out into the cold weather. I hope Louis realises how serious I am about this. If we hadn't had that fight then I would be dating him right now. I would have said yes without any hesitation, but Louis screwed all of that up.

I make my way across the backyard and to the back door of the house. Cher and Harry are sitting at the bar in the kitchen. Cher's head snaps in my direction and she has a huge smile on her face. She probably thinks that I forgave Louis.

"So?" Cher leans over the counter, excitedly. "What happened?"

"We talked." I keep it short.

"About what? I need the details!" Cher grins.

I turn to face the two of them. "You really want to know the details?"

Cher nods her head, vigorously. "Of course!"

"I told him that he needed to gain my trust back." I tell her, opening the fridge.

"That's it?" Cher pouts.

I nod my head, grabbing the carton of milk. "Basically, yeah. You're little plan didn't work. We're barely friends now. I don't trust Louis at all."

"No." Cher groans. "You two were supposed to be dating by now. You know, kiss and make up."

"This isn't a movie." I remind her. "I'm not one of those girls that instantly throw themselves in the guy's arms after he apologizes for being a jerk. If he wants to date me then he needs to gain my trust back."

"Smart girl." Mary comments, walking into the kitchen. "Make him work for you. Of Louis really likes you then he will do everything he can to get you back in his life."

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