Chapter 44

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"Hello, my lovely Internet friends!" I wave to the black camera. "I'm Carter Shay and this is my video diary week four! Now you are probably wondering why I'm wearing guy's clothes and I have a good reason. Normally, the guys from One Direction sit at the bottom of the stairs, but I told them that I was going to start at two thirty. If you look at this, the time is two twenty five." I show them the time on my phone.

"The guys are upstairs right now most likely looking for their favorite and most comfortable clothes to wear. They can't do that because I took them!" I throw my head back and laugh, hysterically.

I may or may not have eaten a lot of candy a few minutes ago. No one can blame me, though. The show has filled this house up with Halloween candy. This week is Halloween and I just can't resist some good candy. So, I may have eaten a few...hundred. No big deal. It's not like I get extremely hyper or anything.

"Carter!" Niall tells from the top of the stairs.

I clap my hands excitedly. "Here we go."

Niall stomps down the stairs. "Have you seen my green sweatpants?"

I place a finger to my lips to pretend to be quiet and point to the sweatpants I'm wearing. Niall stops when he reaches me, completely ignoring the camera. I cross my arms to try to hide the green sweatpants I'm wearing.

"No." I shake my head. "What do they look like?"

"You've seen them. I wore them a few days ago. They are green and say Ireland on the pant leg." Niall explains to me. "Are you wearing them?" He spots the sweatpants on me.

"What? Psh! No!" I wave my hand dismissively.

"Wait. Is that Louis's grey jacket?" Niall points at the jacket I'm wearing.

"No. This was Riley's. He gave it to me before I left." I lie.

"Louis! Liam! Zayn! Harry!" Niall shouts up at the stairs.

I grab the hat I took from Zayn's closet and set it on my head. When I eat a lot of sugar, I tend to do a lot of crazy things. I can't help it. That's why I decided to take something from each of the guys. I have Zayn's hat, Niall's sweatpants, Liam's brown slippers, Louis's jacket, and Harry's beanie. I'm honestly not sure why I took them.

"What?" Harry asks when they reach us.

"I found our stuff." Niall points to me.

I put my hand up, innocently. "What are you talking about?"

"Hey!" Zayn grabs his hat from me.

"That's my beanie!" Harry frowns at me, reaching for it.

"No!" I shout, covering my head with my hands. "Can we talk about this after my video?"

"You started without us?" Louis glances at the black camera.

"Uh. No?" I laugh, nervously. "What makes you think that?"

"Well, it's not the fact that you are wearing some of our clothes." Niall sits down on the stairs next to me.

"You're interrupting my video." I pout at them.

Harry sighs. "Come on, lads."

The boys make their way to the bottom of the stairs and sit down. They settle down and get comfortable.

I clasp my hands together. "Okay, guys! Last week went really well. I just want to say thank you to everyone that voted for me. It means so much to me. I hope you vote again to keep me safe this week. I can't tell you what song I'm going to be singing, but I can say that one of my all time favorite singers has done a cover of it."

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