Chapter 25

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"Would you stop bouncing up and down in your seat?" Cher asks me for the millionth time.

"I can't!" I giggle.

"I know you are excited to see him, but chill out!" Cher stares put the car window.

Rebecca turns around in her seat. "You two aren't even dating yet and you act like this." She waves her hand at me bouncing in my seat.

"I can't help it!" I grin. "I just want to get to the X Factor house!"

We left Cheryl's house today. The other girls went home while Rebecca, Cher, and I headed off for the X Factor house. I'm so excited. I'll get to see everyone else who got through to the live shows. I cannot wait to see Louis. Sure, I'm excited to see the rest of the lads, but mostly Louis.

I have been driving Cher and Rebecca insane ever since we left Cheryl's house. I haven't been meaning to. I'm just so excited! I've missed Louis! I will get to see him today. A week is too long to be away from your best friend and the guy you like. I still can't believe Louis likes me!

"Is that our new home for the next few months?" Rebecca gawks out the window. I lean over to Cher's side to see where we will be staying.

This place is massive! I thought Cheryl's house was big. The X Factor house makes Cheryl's house look tiny. From the front of the mansion it looks about three stories tall. It is painted a light beige color and has about seven windows going across the front of the house. This is my new home. I am going to love this place.

The car comes to a complete stop. I unbuckle my seatbelt as quickly as possible. I push open the car door and stumble out on the concrete driveway. Dermot and Konnie are standing by the front door of the mansion. I spot the camera crew to my left as I run up to the two hosts.

I trip on the second step and fall forward. I put my hands out to protect my face. I land on my right wrist first. A gasp escapes from my mouth as I roll over on my back. I clutch my wrist in my hand.

"Just my luck." I mutter in pain.

"Are you okay?" Dermot runs to my side. "Can we get a medic over here?" He yells out.

"No, no, no!" I protest. "I don't need a medic. I'm perfectly fine!" I sit up on the stairs.

"Your wrist is already swelling." Dermot states.

I glance down at my wrist. He's right. My hand is turning a lovely shade of red and purple. "Oh. It just randomly does that. I have random wrist turn purple and swell disease. It's very common in teenagers."

Dermot shakes his head, obviously not believing me. "We need to get this checked out."

"I'm allergic to doctors." I come up with another excuse.

"Stop making up excuses." Cher sits down next to me on the stairs. "Your wrist is purple."

"Louis would want you to get it checked out." Rebecca says after a few minutes of silence.

A medic showed up five minutes later. He said that it wasn't broken or sprained, just bruised. He wrapped it up for me and said try not to do much with it. How can I not use my right arm much? I'm right handed. I do everything with my right hand. The medic said that the swelling should go down in a few days.

"Now that all of that is taken care of." Dermot stands up. "You three are the first to arrive. If I were you I would go and pick your rooms. Most of the rooms are either for two or three people."

I stand up from the step I was sitting on. Rebecca steps in the X Factor mansion first. We're the first ones here and get to pick our own rooms. I thought I never get lucky? Well, I did get injured. I'm not that lucky.

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