Chapter 38

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I've been laying in my bed all day. I didn't want to see Louis or even hear his voice. So, I've been hiding in my bed all day. I only get up to use the bathroom. Everyone has tried to get me out of bed, but I refused.

I know that I should get up and deal with it, but Louis really hurt me. I don't know where he got those terrible ideas of me from. It really hurts when your best friend says all of that to you. Louis didn't even seem like he felt bad when he said all of that to me. He was angry at me for something I didn't do.

The bedroom door creaks open and I roll over on my side to face the wall. Whoever is at the door, I don't want to talk to them. They can walk in and think I'm sleeping then they can leave. Almost everyone has visited me today. Everyone except for Louis. He hasn't even bothered to see how I was. Harry told me that Louis has locked himself up in his room, leaving the guys locked out. I still don't want to leave my room.

"I know you're not sleeping." Harry states.

Dang. Maybe if I stay still he will get the hint and just leave.

"You can't hide in your bed all day. Louis locked himself in our bedroom. At least come out and eat some lunch. You haven't ate anything all day." Harry continues.

"I'm not hungry." I speak up.

"I highly doubt that. It's two in the afternoon."

I feel my bed dip down near the side. Great. He sat down. That means he won't leave until I get up. I don't want to get up. Yes, I am hungry, but I don't want to see Louis. Harry said he locked himself in his room, but what if he came out when I was downstairs. I don't want to fight with him. Or even see him for that matter. He is a douche.

"If you come downstairs, I'll make you an ice cream sundae." Harry pokes my back, gently.

That does sound pretty good right now. No, Carter. Resist the urge. You don't want to get up. What if this is a trick and Louis is waiting in the living room?

"Please, Carter?" Harry pleads. "Just come down for an hour. Then you can come back up here. I'll make sure that Louis stays up in his room."

I uncover my head with the blanket. "Promise?"

"I promise." Harry swears.

"Fine." I toss the covers off of my body. "Let's go."

Harry stands up to allow me to climb out of bed. I straighten out my oversized grey sweatshirt. My black shorts are hidden beneath my huge sweater. My sweater hangs off of my right shoulder. My feet already have socks on them, but I slide into Cher's black Ugg boots.

"Uh." Harry scratches the back of his head.

"What?" I frown at him.

"Are you-" Harry clears his throat. "Are you wearing any pants?" He looks down and blushes.

I grip the bottom of my sweater and lift it up to reveal my black shorts. "Of course I am."

"Good." Harry's cheeks start to go back to their original cover. "Ready?"

"No, but I'm going anyways." I tell him.

"Let's go, love." Harry grabs my wrist, preventing me from escaping.

I let him lead me all the way downstairs. Pajie, Esther, Mary, Sophia, Rebecca, Treyc, Zayn, and Liam are all sitting in the living room watching tv. Harry leads me straight past them to the kitchen. We turn to the corner and step right into the kitchen. The only person in the kitchen is Cher. She is sitting on a bar stool by the counter.

Harry motions for me to sit down next to Cher. I pull the chair out and sit down quietly. Cher doesn't even notice me sit down because she has her headphones in her ears and her eyes are closed. Her pointer finger is tapping to the beat of the music on the counter. Harry reaches forward and yanks her headphones out of her ears.

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