Chapter 47

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This is the last week.

The bottom four of the X Factor. Matt, Rebecca, One Direction, and I have worked so hard to be here. The past few weeks have pasted by so quickly. It seems like it was just yesterday when it was week one. Now everyone is gone. I had a hard time saying goodbye to Aiden and Cher. I cried so hard.

Cher just left last week. The two of us were in the bottom two. The judges saved me and sent Cher packing. I had to say goodbye to my best friend. Aiden was eliminated in week six. The first thing Aiden did after he was eliminated was hug me. I was so shocked. I didn't expect him to go home.

Now it's just Rebecca, One Direction, Matt, and me. We are the only ones left. This is the last week we will be in the X Factor house. One of us will win.

"Carter!" Louis breaks my train of thought. "It's time for you to do your video diary."

I year my gaze away from the black television screen. "What?"

"It's your turn to do your video diary." Louis repeats himself. "They have it set up in the gym. Matt just went and now it is your turn then we go."

"Can you not watch this one?" I ask him, standing up.

"Uh. Sure. The guys and I will just find something else to do for the next ten minutes." Louis shrugs.

"Thanks." I stand on my toes and kiss his cheek. "I'll tell you when I'm done."

I step into the gym to see it empty except for the camera. I press the red button before I sit down in front of it. How should I start this? Normally, I would want the guys to watch, but not today. If they knew what I was about to say then they would try to stop me.

"Hi, guys." I wave to the camera. "I did it. I'm in the bottom four."

I take a deep breath. Louis will kill me when he sees this video. Hopefully, that will be after the competition. Then it will be too late.

"This is the final week. The four of us get to sing with somebody famous this week. Cheryl hasn't told me who I am singing with yet. I get to find out later today. Anyways, that's not what I wanted to talk about." I run a hand through my wavy hair. "This is the bottom week which means someone has to go home right away on the show. I want you to not vote for me."

"I know this sounds weird because everyone else will be asking you to vote for them. Matt, Rebecca, and One Direction deserve to be here. Yes, I would love to win this, but I don't want to win. One of them deserve to win. They want this so much more than me. In the beginning, I didn't even think I was a good singer. They wanted this from the beginning. So, please don't vote for me." I stare at the camera.

"That's all I really have to say. Thank you for keeping me this far in the show. I loved all of it. I made amazing friends and.." I stop myself and take a breath. "And, I got the chance to date my best friend. The producers of the show didn't want me to say anything before, but Simon gave me the okay to say it now. This is my last video diary. I'm going to miss doing this. Bye." I wave to the camera before getting up and turning it off.

I should probably go tell Louis now. I walk towards the door, but it swings open before I can reach it. I jump backwards before the door can hit me. Louis runs into the room and quickly hides behind me. Niall chases behind him, but I hold my arms up to stop him.

"What's going on?" I ask Niall while Louis snakes his arms around my waist.

"Louis ate my crisps!" Niall points at Louis still hiding behind me. "Now I don't have any food left."

I spin around to face Louis. "You ate his food? Do you have a death wish?!"

Louis pouts. "I was hungry and the bag was laying all by itself. I didn't know it was his!"

I narrow my eyes at him, not believing him. "Niall, I think he's telling the truth." I say.

Louis grins at me. "I'm sorry for eating your crisps, Niall. I didn't know they were yours." He tells Niall.

Niall frowns. "It's alright, mate." He walks away from us.

"Thanks for covering for me." Louis pecks my lips.

"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah." I roll my eyes at him. "Go do your video diary."

"There you are!" Liam's voice comes from behind me. "Cheryl is looking for you."

"Okay. Thank you!" I step out of Louis's arms. "I'll see you later." I kiss him quickly.

The walk to Cheryl's studio is rather short. I hope I get to find out who I am singing with. I have no idea who it could be. I knock once on the door to let Cheryl know that I'm here. I push the door open and the first person I see is the one and only, Olly Murs.

My hands fly up to my mouth in shock. Oh my goodness! I get to sing with Olly Murs! That is so cool! Cheryl laughs at my reaction from the little couch she is sitting on.

"I guess you're happy to see me." Olly comes closer to me.

"Oh my goodness." I laugh, nervously. "Hi, I'm Carter." I offer my hand.

Olly chuckles at me. "I know who you are. I'm a big fan of you." He pulls me into a hug.

Holy goodness! I'm hugging Olly Murs. Wait! Did he say he was a big fan of me? I'm a big fan of him!

Olly steps out of the hug and I run over to Cheryl. "Thank you so much!" I hug her.

"I knew Olly was a good choice." Cheryl laughs, patting my back.

"Most definitely." I agree with her. "What song are we going to sing?"

"I was thinking of my new single Please Don't Let Me Go." Olly steps in front of a microphone stand. "Let's try it out, shall we?"

I nod my head, excitedly. I can't believe this is happening. This is a great way to leave the competition. Olly Murs is going to sing his new single with me. I will be completely okay with not winning this competition.

Cheryl presses play on the radio and the beginning of the song starts. "Carter, you sing first then Olly will jump in."

"Where do I begin?

Should I tell you

How bad I need you now

You're underneath my skin

But I'm confused." I sing the words to the song while I watch Olly from the corner of my eye. "My head is spinning all around

I waited so long

I need to know, darling

What is on your mind."

"Normally, I try to run

And I might even want to hide

'cause I never knew what I wanted

'til I looked into your eyes

So am I in this alone?

What I'm looking for is a sign

That you feel how I feel for you." I close my eyes, getting into the song.

"What else can I say?

My heart is beating double time, yeah

And do you feel the same?

Don't leave me in the dark, no

But baby don't put out this spark, no

I waited so long

I need to know, darling

What is on your mind?" Olly joins into the song, easily.

We finish singing the song together. Neither of us messed up. I don't think either of us will have a problem singing this song together.


Author's Note:

This story is coming to an end. :(

But, don't worry! It's not the end! Or is it?...

Question...Are you happy with Carter's decision to have everyone not vote for her?

So, yeah!

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