Chapter 34

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Nicola and FYD had to leave the X Factor. Nicola was the first to be sent home, then FYD and Storm had to battle it out. Storm won the judge's votes while FYD was eliminated.

When I had to say goodbye to them I only cried a little. I've only had about talked to Nicola about two times. We weren't exactly close. I hugged him and that was it. I mainly cried when I said goodbye to Jordan and Alex. I was the closest to them out of FYD.

After they left, I was able to meet Usher. Cher and I were running around trying to find him before he left. Well, Cher was running. I was limping. He is really nice in person. I got a picture with him, too. I set my Twitter profile picture as Usher and I. I know Riley probably saw it. He is a fan of Usher.

Now we are halfway through with the second week. This week's song theme is Heros. I was unsure of what to choose for this week. I couldn't think of a song that would fit my voice. It has to be a song sang by one of our own personal heros. I eventually came up with Cyndi Lauper. Cheryl suggested I do an upbeat song. That's where I decided on doing Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.

I have already learned the choreography for the group performance and my performance. It was pretty easy to learn. I recorded both songs, too. The group's song this week is Telephone by Lady Gaga. Katy Perry and Diana Vickers are the guest performers. I am so excited to meet Katy Perry.

Today is Wednesday and we are all doing our video diaries. Everyone already went except for One Direction and me. The guys are going first then it will be my turn. We made a deal with each other. We get to pick out each other's questions from our fans. I picked a few good ones out for the guys. We agreed on doing this for the rest of the time we are both here.

"Carter!" Louis runs into my room. "Are you ready?"

I look up from my cell phone. "Ready for what?"

"To help with our video diary!" Harry walks in the room next.

"What do you need help with?" I scroll through the new tweets on my Twitter.

Everyone in the house had to sign this paper saying that we wouldn't say anything that we weren't supposed to on the Internet. We are allowed to use our phones now. I called my mum the first night and talked to her for two hours. I was so happy to be talking to her again.

"We feel weird just talking to a camera." Niall jumps on my bed with me. "Would you be an awesome best friend and sit by the camera? You won't be in the video. We just need you to sit there."

"Will you do the same thing for me?" I ask them.

"Yay!" Niall hugs me. "Thank you!"

I guess that was his way of saying yes. I laugh and hug Niall back. "Who's carrying me?"

"I will!" Niall stands up quickly.

"Don't forget about my carrots and ranch!" I point to my plate of carrots on the floor.

"Why are you eating carrots?" Louis raises his eyebrows at me.

I pick up the plate from the ground. "Because I like carrots and they are good for you." I take a bite out of one.

Niall scoops me up in his arms. I've gotten so used to them carrying me. All five of them refuse to let me walk on my ankle. They say that they don't want me to hurt it anymore. I walked on my ankle once when I was hungry and Harry yelled at me.

Niall carries me towards the stairway. Harry and Louis follow us from behind. Liam and Zayn are already sitting on the stairs, waiting for the four of us. Niall steps around them and sets me on the ground by the camera. I place my plate of carrots on my lap.

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