Chapter 21

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"Just talk into the camera like you're talking to a friend." Dermot tells me, standing behind the cameras.

I nod my head. The camera light turns red. "Hi. So, I'm at Cheryl's house for the judge's house. It's absolutely breathtaking. Cheryl has Will.I.Am to help her decide the three that will go through. I thought Cher was going to kill my arm when she saw him."

I laugh and show them the marks on my arm from Cher's nails. "She was a little excited. Um..This is so weird talking to a camera." I tell everyone behind the cameras that laugh at me. "You said to talk to it like it was my friend, but this camera does not look human."

"Okay." Dermot steps forward, but makes sure to stay out of range of the camera. "Talk to me about being here. What's your favorite thing here? Are you excited to be singing to Cheryl and Will.I.Am? How much do you want this?"

"We may have only been here for four hours, but my favorite thing to do here so far is hanging out with the other girls. They are all so talented and I'm going to hate to say goodbye at the end of the week. Cher and I are the closest out of all the girls." I answer the first question.

I cross my legs on the stool I'm sitting on. "I'm really nervous to sing in front of Cheryl and Will.I.Am. They are both very well known and talented singers. I think I'll be more nervous because it will just be the three of us, not including all of the camera crew." I motion my hand to the guys behind the cameras, who are smiling.

I run my hand through my hair thinking over the last question. "When I auditioned, I didn't want anything to do with singing. I've had an uneasy past with singing." I close my eyes and take a deep breath. "When all the judge's said yes, I started to accept that I am a good singer. Now I'm trying my hardest to stay in the competition. I want this more than anything."

I bite my lip and stare at the ground. I shouldn't have said I had an uneasy past. Now they are going to look into it. Mum will ask Riley what I was referring to and then he will end up telling her. Maybe I will get lucky and they won't put that part on television. Oh wait. I never get lucky.

"That's good enough for today." Dermot claps his hands together. "Carter, can I talk to you outside?" He places his hand on my shoulder.

I nod my head slightly. "Okay."

I jump off the stool and follow Dermot out of the room. We walk through the living room of the house to the back porch. No one is outside by the pool giving us privacy. I sit down in on of the chairs in the corner and Dermot sits next to me.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks.

I pull my legs up on the seat. "It makes me really emotional." I wipe away a tear that escaped.

"I'm prepared to listen." Dermot smiles kindly at me.

"Can we get Cher out here? She deserves to know and I don't want to repeat myself." I ask.

"I'll go get her." He stands up and heads back inside.

I take a deep breath to calm my nerves. I'm actually going to talk to someone about my dad other than Riley. I've never done this before. I know if I don't talk to someone here about it I will go crazy. Cher deserves to know. She's my best friend.

They return in a few minutes and sits in the chairs in front of mine. Cher has changed out of her outfit from before into baggy skinny jeans and a shirt. Her hair is pulled up in a messy bun on top of her head.

"The reason I told everyone that I was a terrible singer at my audition was because when I was younger someone told me that." I start off.

"Who?" Cher asks quietly.

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