Chapter 46

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"Will someone please explain to me what is going on?" I ask for the millionth time.

"No. Now stop talking." Rebecca applies lipstick to my lips.

I frown, annoyed that they won't tell me. An hour ago, Rebecca and Cher kidnapped me from the living room and dragged me up to our room. They have been doing my hair and make up ever since. Why? I don't know. Neither of them will tell me. I just want to know why they are doing all of this to me. I know that the show sometimes let's us leave the house for a night to go somewhere, but no one told me anything about that.

"Cher, can you grab her outfit?" Rebecca points at the bed.

"Got it!" Cher picks up the dress hanging from the hanger. "Here. Put this on." She holds it out for me to grab.

I shake my head and cross my arms. "Not until you tell me what is going on."

"Either you put this on or we put it on for you. Your choice." Cher stands next to Rebecca.

We glare at each other for a good five minutes before I crack. I snatch the hanger out of Cher's hand, annoyed. I storm into the bathroom to change. Why won't they tell me? It's driving me insane! I pull the lace, royal blue, sleeveless dress off of the hanger.

"Put these on too!" Cher opens the door a little to throw a pair of black tights in my face.

I watch the door shut again. This is really starting to annoy me. I change out of my pajamas into the dress and tights. Why can't they just tell me? I can't stand surprises! They drive me insane. I stand in front of the mirror, analysing my outfit. This is really cute. Where could I possibly be going?!

"Okay. I'm in the dress. Can someone please tell me where I am going?" I step out of the bathroom and back into the room.

Rebecca holds a black leather jacket out for me. "Put this on. It's a little chilly outside."

So I'm going to be outside! I'm getting closer to finding out!

I slide the jacket on. "So, you're not going to tell me?"

"No." Cher replies. "It's a surprise."

"But, I hate surprises!" I groan, crossing my arms.

"You'll love this one." Rebecca grabs a pair of all black high top converse. "We know you won't wear heels and you always seem to make converse look amazing with dresses."

"Thanks." I say, taking the shoes from her.

Rebecca and Cher look me over slowly. This would be awkward if we weren't such good friends. I shift under their gaze, nervously. Are they going to say anything? Cher nods her head in approval. Where could I possibly be going dressed like this? Rebecca and Cher each grab one of my arms and start to pull me out of the bedroom. Instead of struggling against their holds, I just let them lead me downstairs. I'll probably find out where I am going soon.

They release my arms once we reach the back doors of the house. Cher holds up a hand to stop me from moving forward. I am so confused right now. I glance behind me to see Rebecca has disappeared. Where did she go? I turn my head back to ask Cher where Rebecca went, but Cher is no longer there. Are they pranking me?

"Rebecca? Cher?" I call out.

Now what? Am I supposed to walk through the doors? Or can I go back up to my room? This is awkward and I don't know what to do. I can't even ask anyone what I'm supposed to do because no one is around.

I reach for the door knob to go outside slowly. "If any of you jump out and scare me, I'm going to hit you." I threaten.

The door opens the rest of the way, showing a black backyard. A cold gust of wind blows across the yard and hits me. I cross my arms and pull the leather jacket around me tighter. The door slams shut behind me, causing me to jump. I rush toward the closed door and attempt to open it. Great. It's locked.

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