Chapter 28

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"Land!" I climb over Louis and fall on the ground, hugging it.

"Don't you think you are being a little dramatic?" Harry smirks, forming a circle around me with the other lads.

"Yeah, Carter. It wasn't that bad." Jordan Gabriel agrees.

I roll over on my back. "That's because you are a guy." I shield my eyes from the sun with my hand. "You are all guys. I was the only girl in that van!"

"Most girls would love to be in a van full of guys." Alex chuckles, smiling down at me.

I cross my arms. "They would regret it after five minutes."

"What are you doing on the ground?" Mary marches over to us. Harry and Alex move over to make room for her. "What did you lads do to her?" Mary glares at each of them.

I love Mary. She is like the mother of the X Factor house. Everyone listens to her, too. You know you are in trouble when she crosses her arms. Mary knows that most of the lads in the house like to pick on me. So, considering that I'm lying on the concrete she will turn into protective mother mode.

"What did they do?" Mary asks me.

"They made the car ride absolutely terrible!" I exclaim. "Harry kept making perverted jokes. Louis wouldn't stop poking my cheek. Jordan was singing terribly off key to the radio. Alex, Ryan, Liam, and Zayn were laughing the entire time. Niall was chewing extremely loudly and farting. Matt refused to put the windows down because he thought it was bloody hilarious! I thought I was gonna die!"

Louis reaches for my hand and pulls me up off of the ground. The lads avoid eye contact with Mary as she crosses her arms. I stand next to Mary, smirking at the guys. This is going to be good.

"Boys, I want you to apologize to Carter." Mary points to me.

They all mumble their apologies still avoiding eye contact. I nod my head and smile at Mary. Gotta love Momma Byrne.

"Okay. Carter, go ahead and head into the studio while I talk to the boys." Mary motions for me to go inside.

"Thank you Mary!" I walk backwards.

Once Mary turns back to the guys, I put my hand up to my head and shape it like a 'L'. Harry glares at me. Mary starts to lecture them about how they should act more mature. I laugh to myself as I walk into Teddington Studios. Today, we are supposed to be taking group pictures and separate pictures. I've never been to a photo shoot before and I'm kind of excited.

"Are you Carter Shay?" A young woman rushes up to me with a clipboard in her hands.

"Uh? Yes." I answer.

"You need to get hair and make up done!" She wraps her fingers around my wrist and drags me down a long hallway.

I jog down the hallway right behind her. I'm not sure how she hasn't tripped yet. She is wearing four inch heels. I would have fallen flat on my face. That is why I am always wearing sneakers. It is almost impossible to trip in them unless the laces come undone, but that's not the point.

"In you go!" She stops in front of a brown door and pushes me in.

I stumble in the room to see all the girls getting their hair and make up done. Cher has an empty chair next to her and I walk over to it. I plop in the seat.

"Where were you?" Cher asks me, lifting her head up for her stylist.

"With Mary and the guys." I laugh.

"There you are." A girl rushes over to me. "You are after Belle Amie who is about to go out. My name is Amanda, but call me Mandy."

"I'm Carter." I introduce myself.

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