Chapter 14

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Don't be scared, Carter. You'll be fine. There is only the judges, workers, and the rest of the contestants going to be watching you. Oh, and you'll be on TV. No reason to worry. Right?

Try not to think about how everyone will laugh at you if you trip over your own feet.

Try not to think about how Louis will be watching you. Or Cher. Or even Niall.

Try not to think about Mum and Riley watching at home on the couch.

Try not to think about how many people will be watching you on TV.

Try not to think about the BIG chance that you could go home.

Yeah. Don't think about any of that. Pretend that none of that exists. Just pretend that you are back home and in your room jamming out to music with Riley.

"Carter Shay."

That's me. Okay, Carter, walk out on the stage. I'll count to three. One, two, two and three quarters, three. Three. Three.

I can't do this!

"Carter Shay?" Simon repeats.

Come on, Carter! Just walk out on the stage. You can do this! Oh who am I kidding. No I can't! I feel lightheaded. I walk over to a chair and sit in it. I place my head in my hands, concentrating on my breathing.

"Carter? Is everything alright?" My head snaps up to see Nicole Scherzinger walking over to me. "What's going on?" She sits down next to me.

"I can't do this." I shake my head staring at the floor.

"Of course you can. You have been practicing for two days." Nicole Scherzinger smiles at me encouragingly. "Your stage fright will go away once you start singing."

"What if it doesn't?" I whisper looking at her directly.

"It will. I saw your audition. You looked nervous, but when you started singing it looked like you forgot everyone was there." She says making me remember that day.

"What if I forget the lyrics?" I run my hand through my hair. "I'll make a fool of myself."

"Don't you think these thoughts are running through everyone minds? Even if you do forget the lyrics it doesn't mean you are going home." Nicole stands up. "Now come on. Everyone is waiting." She reaches down for me.

I stare at her hand contemplating my options. I let out a sigh before grabbing her hand. "Okay."

Nicole hugs me. "You'll do great." I follow her to the stairs to the stage. "Go ahead."

I watch her walk off to go back to the judge's table. I grab a microphone from a worker before walking on the stage. A few people clap when they see me. I stop on the red 'x' on the floor. I grip the microphone tighter in my hand and look up at the judges. Nicole is sitting in the middle with Louis and Simon on either side of her. Nicole smiles at me encouragingly.

No turning back.

"Glad to see you joined us, Ms. Shay." Simon leans back in his chair.

"Glad to be here." I reply truthfully.

"What song will you be singing?" Nicole places her hands on the table.

I lift the microphone to my lips. "Impossible by Shontelle."

Simon nods and waves his hand. "When you're ready."

I nod my head at the people controlling the music. Deep breaths, Carter. Don't chicken out. You can do this.

"I remember years ago

Someone told me I should take

Caution when it comes to love

I did, I did."

I start walking around the stage slowly getting into the music.

"And you were strong and I was not

My illusion, my mistake

I was careless, I forgot

I did."

I turn to face the crowd standing in one spot. So far so good.

"And now when all is done

There is nothing to say

You have gone and so effortlessly

You have won

You can go ahead tell them

Tell them all I know now

Shout it from the roof tops

Write it on the sky line

All we had is gone now"

I walk back over to the red 'x' completely into the song now. I spot Cher directly in the middle of the seats with Niall on her right. My eyes scan over to the left. I lock eyes with Louis and give it the best I got.

"Tell them I was happy

And my heart is broken

All my scars are open

Tell them what I hoped would be

Impossible, impossible

Impossible, impossible"

I sing the rest of the song perfectly. At least I hope it sounds perfect. I ignore everyone else in the room except for Louis. Honestly, if he wasn't in the room I would have probably screwed up by now. If I just focus on one thing I do a good job. Otherwise I screw up. It's a good thing Louis is here. Not that I would tell him that.

"I remember years ago

Someone told me I should take

Caution when it comes to love

I did, I did."

I sing the last verse. I did it. My eyes drop down to look at the judge's table. Nicole is grinning at me. Simon's face is completely blank. Not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing. Louis Walsh leans over and whispers something to Nicole. She nods her head.

I lift the microphone back to my lips. "Thank you." I say before heading to the side of the stage.

Now I just have to wait for tomorrow. Then I find out if I'm through or not. That's when everyone finds out. I better not where any make up. I'll most likely cry it off. Even if I make it or not.

I really hope Cher, Niall, and Louis make it through. They deserve to be here. Way more than I do.

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