Chapter 17

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"Riley!" I scream when I see my best friend.

I run across the parking lot to Riley and my mom. Daniel is standing awkwardly behind Riley and my mom. I haven't seen Daniel in forever. I push past the other families to mine. I jump in Riley's arms when I reach him. My arms wrap around his neck tightly.

"Carter!" Riley hugs me back his arms around my waist, squeezing me to death. "We only have two days together to hang out!"

"I know!" I complain.

"We can see who you missed the most." Mum jokes.

"Mum!" I push Riley away and hug her. "I've missed you too!"

"Where's that lovely boy you were talking about?" Mum scans the crowd. "I want to meet him."

"There he is!" Riley points to Louis and his parents.

Louis looks over at me and waves. Riley waves him over to us. Oh great. Riley and my mum are going to find a way to embarrass me. I motion at Louis to make him not come over, but Riley grabs my hands stopping me. This is going to end badly.

"Hey Carter." Louis grins at me.

I yank my hands out of Riley's. "I'm apologizing now before they say anything that will embarrass me." I say quickly.

"Oh stop that, Carter." My mum steps up to Louis. "I'm Carter's mum. You must be Louis Tomlinson. Carter has been talking non-stop about you."

"No-" Riley pulls me to his chest and covers my mouth, preventing me from talking. I try to yell at him, but his hand muffles my voice.

Louis smirks at me. "Really? What has she said about me?"

"What hasn't she said about you?" Riley laughs. "She said that you have a great sense of humor."

"Very nice and sweet." My mum adds.

"If I remember correctly Carter said and I quote Louis would make a great-"

I bite Riley's hand as hard as I can before he can finish that sentence. Riley cries out in pain and releases his hold on me. I grab the front of Louis's shirt and pulls him away from my crazy family. I walk for a few minutes before coming to a stop.

"I wanted to hear what you said about me." Louis pouts. "I would make a great what?"

I shake my head at him. "I'm not telling you. I am going to kill them for embarrassing me like that."

"It was cute." Louis laughs.

"It was embarrassing." I correct him.

"Will you ever tell me what Riley was about to say?" Louis raises an eyebrow at me.

"If we both make it to the final five, then I'll tell you." I say.


"I promise." I stick out my pinky. Louis chuckles and locks pinkies with me.

"Think you'll survive not seeing me for two days?" Louis throws his arm over my shoulders, leading me back to my family.

Two days? Does Louis not realize we won't be seeing each other for more than two days? After we are home for two days, we head to the judge's houses for a week. I'll be heading to Cheryl's house in Coworth Park, Ascot, Berkshire, England. Louis and the guys will be heading to Marbella, Spain.

I stop walking to face Louis. "It's going to be longer than two days." I whisper, feeling tears fill up my eyes. "After the two days we go to the judge's house for a week. This is our goodbye."

"What?" He whispers. "I thought we would see each other again."

"We will if we both make it." I bite my quivering lip. I'm about to cry. I just know it.

"We could hang out for these two days." Louis suggests.

I shake my head. "You should hang out with your family."

"Do you have Skype?"

"Yeah. I'll text it to you later." I whisper, hoping my voice doesn't crack.

"Are you trying not to cry?" Louis pulls me in a hug.

"No." I lie.

"Carter guess what?!" Cher runs over to Louis and I. She attacks me in a hug and we fall on the ground together. "My bad."

"Ouch." I land on my back. "What was so important that you had to attack me?"

Louis reaches for my hand to pull me up. I grab his hand and he pulls me up effortlessly. Cher stands up on her own with dirt and grass covering her jeans. She glances down and smirks before looking back up at me. What was that about?

"My parents said that I have to spend today with them and tomorrow I'm spending the night at your house." Cher bounces on her toes.

What? When did she plan this? Cher hasn't even met my mum yet. How did she manage to be able to stay at my house?

"You were in the shower one night and she called. I answered the phone then we planned this whole thing." Cher explains. "Besides, my parents will be working the whole two days. I'd be at home by myself."

"That's awesome!" I grin. "Oh gosh. Riley." I face palm my hand.

"Is he here? I want to talk to him about getting you and-" Cher starts.

I lunge forward and cover her mouth with my hand. What is with people and trying to embarrass me today?

"He's over there." I push Cher towards Riley.

Louis steps in front of me. "You're blushing, love." He touches my cheeks with his fingers gently. My face heats up even more.

I look up into his eyes. "I hate goodbyes." I whisper.

"We'll Skype." Louis promises pulling me into another hug.

"Tell the boys they better work their butts off the stay in the competition. I'll be doing the same thing." I say into his chest.

"The week will pass by fast." Louis rubs my back.

"I'm sorry, Carter, but we're leaving." Daniel walks up to us with his hands in his pockets.

I nod my head. "I'll be right there."

"I'll see you soon." Louis kisses my forehead. I close my eyes to remember this moment. "Bye Carter."

"See you later." I correct him. "I don't like saying goodbye. I'll warn you now. If we both make it I'm probably going to attack you much worse than when Cher attacked me." I admit.

"Can't wait." Louis grins, cheekily.

I wave at him and walk over to Daniel. We head towards the car where Mum and Riley are. I glance over my shoulder to see Louis still watching me. I wave one last time as we reach the car. I climb in the backseat with Riley. Daniel gets in the passenger's seat.

"Don't worry." Riley pulls me into his side. "You'll see your boyfriend soon."

"He's not my boyfriend." I lean into my best friend.

"You wish he was." Mum smirks at me through the rearview mirror. "My baby girl is growing up."

"Ugh. Mum!"


Author's Note:

So, give me your opinions. Please please comment!

I have a new story idea. Not sure when I'm going to post it. Depends on how badly you want to read it.

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